Back To Reality

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Anyone, please send me anyone
Lord, is there anyone?
I need someone, oh
Anyone, please send me anyone
Oh, Lord, is there anyone?
I need someone
Oh, anyone, I need anyone
Oh, anyone, I need someone
- Anyone, Demi Lovato

Anyone, please send me anyoneLord, is there anyone?I need someone, ohAnyone, please send me anyoneOh, Lord, is there anyone?I need someoneOh, anyone, I need anyoneOh, anyone, I need someone- Anyone, Demi Lovato

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People disappear all the time. Sometimes it would be for a few days. A month. Maybe a whole year without leaving a trace. After Tony's funeral, I felt something break inside of me. That small pain in my chest just went away and I feel like...well, like I don't care for anything like I used to. I left the funeral for 3 weeks to recollect myself. I realized that I haven't been myself. I've been too dependant on other people.

I don't feel bad about leaving everyone like that. I was only gone for a week. They shouldn't even be judging me like I know they are. Thor went off with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Clint officially retired. And Steve is all old and grey because he went back in time to live the life he always wanted with Peggy. So they shouldn't even be judging me for disappearing.

All the calls and messages from Peter, Pepper, Strange, and Happy. Those were really annoying me since day 2 of my disappearance. I've heard their messages. They're worried but they don't have the right to. They even had T'Challa call to see if he could get a hold of me. These past 3 weeks were really good though. I went around each city and kicked some bad guy butt when they thought The Blimp would have everyone scared or they're too sad about Tony to do anything.

Yeah, that's what they're calling Thanos's Snap. A real stupid name. Some people were really confused about seeing their old friend age 5 years from the last time they saw them. Parents even cried when they say their little kids grownup to be teens. I wasn't surprised when I ran into some old villains. For example, the Puppet King. He had a few splinters coming out of him while one of his arms was broken. Part of his hair was chipped off and he was missing an eye. Not a pretty sight.

But all good things must come to an end. I had to go back to Queens someday and finish school. The old man wanted me to go to school after all, so I guess I could finish it for him. Though you should have seen the look on Pepper's face when I arrived at Stark Industries again to help with Tony's work. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw me in a business dress with my hair in a ponytail, telling all the other employees what to do.

Make things short, she cried when she saw me. She asked where I was because I was gone for a month. I told her to calm down. I'm back and I'm going to help her with the business after school. I know she wanted to ask more questions but she brought me into a bone-crushing hug and told me to not leave again. Then she tried to pull that 'Morgan was worried about you' card. Well, I'm here now. I don't see the big deal about it.

I was packing for school when Pepper knocked on my door. "Hey, you ready for me to drop you off?" she asked.

"I'm good. I'll portal over there," I answered. I was about to go around her but she blocked my way. "What?"

"Raven, are you sure you want to go back to school? If you want I could call and tell them that you're still sick?"

"I'll be fine. I have to go back to school someday."

Pepper nodded. "Ok, I'm sure all of your friends are going to be happy you're back. I know Peter will."

I shrugged my shoulders. "They might. Might not. I don't care if they do because once we graduate, we're not even going to talk to each other again. So is there really a reason for me to have friends?" Pepper walked over and began touching my forehead. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing if you have a fever," she replied. "You don't sound like yourself. Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine," I sneered.

"Raven -"

I felt my anger boil inside me. "I said I'm fine!" I snapped as I brought my hand up and levitated Pepper. I thrust her back until her she slammed against the wall. She let out a breath as I felt my eyes go red. Pepper kept gasping for breath. A huge grin appeared on my face as I closed my hand, cutting her airways. Pepper's eyes widened as her face began turning blue.

"Mommy!" Morgan yelled.

Suddenly, my eyes went back to normal. I dropped Pepper as Morgan rushed into my room and hugged her. I looked down at them as Pepper tried to catch her breath while Morgan tried to see if she was ok. I let out a sigh before adjusting my backpack.

"I'll see you guys later," I muttered as I walked out.


I didn't even portal to school. I portaled a good mile away from it before I started walking. I pulled my hoodie up from my jacket and continued walking. I heard people laughing as they walked by me, a couple holding hands like they don't have a care for the world. There was a bright light coming from my right. I stopped in my tracks and turned to see a small electronic shop with a bunch of TVs on the window. Each of them was playing some news station...all doing a piece on Tony. We Will Miss You, Tony Stark, one headline read. Each had small clips of Tony of either in a press conference or in his Iron Man suit.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat as my fist clenched inside my pockets. Tony this and Tony that. That's all I've been hearing. It's like everywhere I turn, his face is right there. His face still haunts my dreams. Tony snapping that stupid gauntlet. Or something we used to do together. Doesn't matter what dream it is, I always wake up crying. It's like that bastard is haunting me.

I felt my eyes turn red as I began walking again. My astral projection flew into the window and destroyed all the TVs from the shop. A small smirk forming on my face as the glass shards flew behind me.

I finally arrived at school. Only fifteen minutes before class starts. I should be able to grab my books. I walked up to the front of the school and opened the door only for me to freeze in place. As soon as I entered the building, it was like all eyes were on me. No, all of their eyes were on me. Yeah, I get it. Rachel Roth lost her adoptive father. Oh, what is she doing here? It's really pathetic for them to think that. All their fake sympathies. None of them really care.

I glared at everyone who made contact with me as I walked down the halls. I could see MJ on the stairs talking to someone before she spotted me. She lifts her hand up and gave me a small wave, which I returned with a nod as I walked past her. When I reached my locker, I felt my fist clench when I saw all the pictures on there. All of them were of Tony. Some had little postcards that say sorry for your loss. Some of them went on and on about how Tony impacted their life. I rolled my eyes as I started tearing all of them down. I don't want any sympathy. I don't care what Tony has done for these people. People just need to move on like it's another day.

I grabbed all the photos from the ground and walked over to the trashcan before shoving them in. My eyes began turning red again. I wanted nothing more than to pin all these idiots down and tell them to leave me alone. I shoulda, coulda, woulda, but didn't. I closed my eyes tight as tried to catch my breath. Making sure my eyes went back to normal before I opened them again.

When I looked up, right across the hall were two boys looking at me. One was shocked that I was here while the other had his mouth open because I finally came. I could see the relief wash over his face before the boy started running down the hall.

Maybe I shouldn't have come to school today.

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