You Hung Up On Fury

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Let's start a riot tonight
A pack of lions tonight
In this world, he who stops, won't get anything he wants
Play like the top one percent
Til nothing's left to be spent
Take it all, ours to take, celebrate because
We are the champions
Setting it off again
Oh we on fire
We on fire
Running our own campaign
Doing the whole shebang
Oh we on fire
We on fire
- Fire, Gavin DeGraw

Let's start a riot tonightA pack of lions tonightIn this world, he who stops, won't get anything he wantsPlay like the top one percentTil nothing's left to be spentTake it all, ours to take, celebrate becauseWe are the championsSetting it off agai...

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After patting Morgan's head and not saying goodbye to Pepper, I left the house. I still had a few minutes before May's charity event but I didn't want to be there during the very beginning of the speech. I want to arrive near the end when Peter's supposed to make his big entrance. My eyes focused on the floor as I walked down the sidewalk. My headphones canceling out everyone and everything around me.

After school, I portaled myself to the New York Sanctum to train more with Strange. For some reason he wanted me to make all these elixirs. That's what I've been doing most of the evening. Just creating elixirs and trying them. Strange would keep staring at me when I took them. I didn't feel anything happening. But I didn't even know what was supposed to happen because he wouldn't tell me. I even got annoyed to the point that I snapped at him. The only thing Strange responded with was a disappointing head shake with a deep sigh before telling me to make another. But how the hell am I supposed to know what to look for if he won't tell me?!

"Stupid Strange," I grumbled under my breath. "Making me make stupid elixirs." The only thing that happened was my stomach hurting, nothing much after. And I had to portal myself home because I'm still not comfortable using the bathroom at the Sanctum yet. I wouldn't be surprised if I wake up the next morning looking like Hulk. Except I'll be angrier.

I made my way around the people and kids. Some kids had their Iron Man mask on while shooting their toy gauntlets at each other. A low snarl came out of my throat as they moved around me. And the parents were laughing at their children.

"Look, I'm Iron Man!" the little blonde boy said to his mother with his hands on his waist.

I growled when the mother continued to laugh with him. The kid spun around and started running, pretending to blast everything. The kid wasn't paying attention to where he was going and bumped into me.

"Ooops," he said. I wasn't in the mood. "Sorry, lady -"

The boy coward back in fear when he saw my red eyes. My teeth were bared at him as I sneered. His eyes widened as he took his Iron Man mask off. He slowly backed away, dropping the mask in the process, before turning around and ran.


I let out a small scoff before continuing to walk. I didn't care if I scared the kid. I didn't care if I've upset his parents. I don't even care that I crushed the Iron Man mask under my boot. It's the same thing every day.

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