Switching Seats

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Homegrown alligator, see you later
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Something changed in the atmosphere
Architecture unfamiliar
I could get used to this
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
- Shotgun, George Ezra

Homegrown alligator, see you laterGotta hit the road, gotta hit the roadSomething changed in the atmosphereArchitecture unfamiliar I could get used to thisTime flies by in the yellow and greenStick around and you'll see what I meanThere's a mounta...

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Peter never gave me back my communicator. He didn't even break when I would glare at him, which usually does the trick. He's sticking his ground on me not helping Fury with whatever he needs help with. I even tried to get the information from Happy but Peter would either use his webs to shoot Happy's mouth shut or yell something about May needing him. It's gotten worst when Peter turned my communicator off and hid it.

I sighed as I used my magic to pack my bags. I can't think about some stupid trip. But, as his great Spideyness has said, we really need this vacation. Vacation or not, I'm still packing my suit. Just because we're traveling to the other side of the world doesn't mean we might have to kick some bad guy's butt. I made my way over to the chest where all of my dangerous artifacts are hidden. No doubt Morgan is gonna try and snoop in my room once I'm gone. My eyes glowed white as I placed my hand on top of the chest.

"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos," I chanted. Then I used my other hand and turned it into a circular motion to combine my spell with a locking spell Strange taught me. I felt a presence behind me and I already knew who it is. "Don't worry, the spell won't hurt her."

Pepper nodded as she entered my room. "That's great to hear," she said. She looked towards my suitcase. "Have you gotten everything you need?"

"Yup," I answered flatly. "I just need one more thing."

"I'm not giving you another communicator." I glared at her. "Raven, I agree with Peter on this. You've been working so hard lately and Nick Fury needs to understand that you're still a teenager. You need to go out and have fun. Get away from being a hero for a while. Especially since you still haven't gotten your anniversary present for Peter."

"I'll figure it out," I sneered.

Pepper sighed before she embraced me. "Just have fun. Enjoy your trip. You really need this."

I really need this? I don't need anything.

I felt my glare harden as I stare at the wall and not return the hug. "Have fun? Is that your motherly instincts coming in? I might be living here Pepper but I'm going to make myself clear only once. You might act like a mother but you are not my mother." I could feel the pain coming off Pepper as I pushed her away. I looked towards my suitcase and levitated it before walking around her and out of my room. "Remember that the next time you want to act motherly towards me."


I made it to the airport on time. I found MJ since I got assigned to sit next to her. At this point, I'm really glad about it because if I have to sit next to Peter and Ned the whole nine-hour flight then one of them is gonna get thrown out the window.

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