Not A Monster

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How the hell did I let myself trust Quentin so blindly? And I thought I learned my lesson after the whole Malchior incident

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How the hell did I let myself trust Quentin so blindly? And I thought I learned my lesson after the whole Malchior incident. He used me. Quentin Beck used me. I thought I had found a fantastic hero but it turns out that he's nothing but another villain. He's clever though. Quentin did manage to make all of us believe he wanted the best for the world. But he's no hero if he has to use drones to create his own monsters, which explains why my magic didn't work because everything was an illusion.

"Where the hell are you, you crazy son of a bitch?" I muttered as Beast Boy and I flew toward the 'Elemental'.

"Mysterio shouldn't be that far," Beast Boy said in his eagle form. He soon let out a shriek as the Elemental tried to grab us. We dodged the arm before I shot a massive dark beam toward it. The arm soon disintegrates and the drones that created the illusion exploded. "Ok, I get none of this is real but, dude...that looks pretty real to me."

My eyes glowed white as I levitated a few drone pieces. The illusion of the Elemental soon began to disappear and the cloaked drones were now seen. Gritting my teeth together, I thrust the broken pieces toward more drones as Beast Boy transformed into a gorilla and clobbered them.

"Brings back memories, huh?" Beast Boy asked happily before he grabbed a broken beam and swung it like a baseball bat on upcoming drones.

I held my hands up and levitated a few cars before launching them. "Which ones?" I replied before shooting dark beams out of my hands. I started to look around. "You see Mysterio anywhere?" Red and blue soon entered my vision. Looking over, I spotted Peter heading toward the bridge before one of the drones knocked him away. So that's where the coward's hiding, huh? "Found him."

All that pent-up anger I felt when I was about to snap suddenly came back. This time I wasn't mad at Peter, my friends, or anyone important in my life. It's directed at Quentin and this time, no one is going to stop me from sending him to hell.

"Uh, oh," Beast Boy muttered. "Raven...Raven."

"Find Ned and MJ for me, make sure they're safe." I thrust my hand up to create a barrier around upcoming drones before closing it tight. The drones soon exploded inside before I released them and made my way toward the bridge. "I'm going to kill him."

Ok, Quentin, you wanted to tame a demon? I'll give you a demon.

I flew and destroyed all the drones coming at me as I made my way toward the bridge. The whole Elemental illusion was disappearing and revealed nothing but drones. I saw one of Tony's old jets flying toward the Tower of London. A huge relief came over me when I spotted Happy's curly hair. Then mentally cursed myself because I've got a lot of explaining to do to him.

A few drones began to fire at me. I dodged their shots as I created a dark whip to wrap around one drone before throwing it at the others - thanks Strange for showing me that small a combination of both our abilities. I created a force field around me as they continued to fire. Spinning my body, it made the barrier spin as well so I used that to crash into more drones. When I stopped, I saw a bunch of drones shooting at Peter near the bridge.

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