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I never felt this kind of range towards Peter

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I never felt this kind of range towards Peter. How can he just hand EDITH over to Quentin like that? Ok, I understand that he's a great hero and he saved everyone from the Elementals, but Tony made those glasses specifically for him. The note even said he trusted Peter. Not...whatever the hell he made the note out to be.

I'm so pissed off that I didn't even go back to the hotel. My eyes are blood red right now as random objects behind began exploding. A few people jumped or they ran the other way. Ugh, I just want to get out of Prague and go help Fury. They're leaving in the morning and I still have to pack. Or maybe I should just pack my things and go back to Strange. But Strange has enough on his plate right now. He's still a bit upset because Wong is the new Sorcerer Supreme. But that's what happens when you've been blipped for 5 years.

"Cool!" I heard a little kid say as he and his mom walked by me. The little boy pointed at my eyes but I bared my teeth at him as dark tendrils came out my back. The boy jumped back and held on to his mother. "Mommy!"

"That is one nice magic trick," I heard behind me. I glared at Quentin, who was running up. He gave an apologetic smile to the mom and son. "I'm sorry, my partner and I are doing a little magic act." I rolled my eyes as I walked around them. "It still needs a little work." I can hear his footsteps as he ran to catch up.

"Leave me alone, Quentin," I growled.

"You know I can't do that. Especially when you've been dodging my calls the last few hours."

"How did you even find me?"

"I just followed the exploding cups and vases," he tried to joke. I growled at him again. "Hey, I know you're upset with Peter -"

"Try pissed. Like I'm going rip his soul out and send him to the netherworld."

Quentin started to laugh like it was the funniest thing I'd ever said but soon stopped when I didn't laugh with him. "Oh, you're serious?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding? And don't even try to get me to forgive him or stay -"

"You're right though," Quentin cut me off. This time I stopped. "I understand that this is another lover's quarrel but you have every right to be upset with him. Those glasses were the last thing Tony gave and he just gives it away like it was nothing."

"But you still accepted it," I pointed out.

"But you didn't hear what happened after." We soon stopped by a little gift shop. Quentin looked up before looking at me. "Let's head inside, I'll explain everything while we look around."

My eyes went back to normal before pulling my hood down. Quentin held the door open for me before we went inside. "And why are we looking in here?"

"I just wanted to browse around," he said. Quentin started to scan the table full of necklaces and rings. "After you left, I tried to give Peter back his glasses. I really did. I could see how upset it made you. It wouldn't be right for me to take them." He picked up one necklace that had a four leaf clover with green gems. "Peter insisted I take them and said that you'll forgive him one day." He dropped the necklace before moving over to the next table full of bracelets. "But he just didn't understand that those glasses weren't from just Tony but from yourself." He raised his brow at me. "I'm right, aren't I?

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