MJ meet Quentin

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For the first time in months, I am really grateful that someone understood that I wanted to be let alone

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For the first time in months, I am really grateful that someone understood that I wanted to be let alone. Well, not alone alone. I just don't want to be in a big crowd being suffocated by people. Quentin understood that I didn't want to head back to the hotel and offered we get some ice cream, which I'm surprised there's a shop open this late. I'm not really a big fan but if it keeps me away from the hotel longer then I'm good. We just kept talking and getting to know one another better for the past hour.

My communicator started to vibrate. When I pulled it out, I saw Peter's name across the screen. Gee, thanks Fury for giving him my number. I sighed as I forward his call and stuck it back into my pocket.

"You should answer that," Quentin said, sporting a polo shirt and jeans instead of his Mysterio suit.

"Or I could just talk to him after the mission," I suggested as I licked my vanilla ice cream. My communicator rang again. "Unless I portal myself somewhere else. I love Peter but there nowadays, it's like I'm being suffocated."

"It's because he cares." He was lost in thought before a small smile appeared on his face. "I remember calling my wife whenever she wasn't home. Whether she was at work or taking care of our kids. Making sure they were safe was my number one priority. It irritated her some days but it never failed to bring a smile to her face."

Another ring.

I let out a breath. "This is getting annoying." I took my phone out and read over his message. My brows furrowed. "I guess my class is going to the opera. How did that happen?" Then I realized. "He must have used EDITH. Wow, for once, he didn't try to kill someone with it."

"Go easy on him. Peter must be worried about you. You're not back at the hotel and you're all alone in Prague."

I raised my brow at him. "I'm not really alone if I'm walking with you."

"He doesn't know that." Quentin made a face as he redirected our route to the hotel. "Which sounds a lot worst than it needs to be."

"You do know you're about ten years older than me, maybe even older?" I pointed out. "Then again, maybe it's a good thing we're heading back. Wouldn't want Peter to think I'm cheating on him."

"You don't seem like a person who would cheat."

"I'm not an idiot like most people. I get there's temptation but it really comes down to if you're happy with your relationship or not. There's this one guy in class that has a crush on me, apparently, and Peter doesn't trust him around me. Peter and I have our arguments but I wouldn't cheat on him."

"Do you think Peter would ever cheat on you?" Quentin questioned, surprising me.

I shook my head. "No," I answered honestly as he neared the hotel. "I know the kind of guy Peter is and he isn't one to cheat. He even feels guilty if he accidentally cheated on a test."


"Trust me it happens to him." Then I continued. "If Peter can't even handle lying about cheating on a test. He wouldn't be able to hide the fact if he cheated on me. Even then, none of the girls from my other class see him like that."

Quentin and I reached the hotel. Peter was already outside with a very panicky look while MJ was talking to him. She looked annoyed with whatever Peter was rambling on about. Then she grabbed his shoulder and said a few things that got him to calm down.

"Who's that?" Quentin asked.

"That's MJ," I answered. "She's one of the few I can actually tolerate."

MJ looked up and saw me. She motioned to me with her head which made Peter snap his head in my direction.

"Thank, God," Peter mumbled before he and MJ made their way towards me.

"Loverboy was worried sick," MJ stated.

Quentin cleared his throat. "That's my fault," he said which made the pair look at him. "I didn't realize how late it was getting."

"Who are you?" MJ asked skeptically.

I began introducing them. "Quentin, this is MJ. MJ, this is Quentin. He's..."

"I used to be one of the caretakers back at the orphanage where Rachel used to live," Quentin quickly lied, which shocked Peter and myself. "I haven't seen Rachel since Mr. Stark adopted her. So I was a bit surprised to find her here and wanted to see how she was doing ." He gave me a sympathetic look. "Again, I offer my condolences."

I nodded. "Yeah, thanks." I went along with the lie. "Tell Damien and Garfield I'm sorry for not calling."

"I'll make sure they get the message." Quentin gave me a side hug, which made MJ raise her eyebrow. "Great seeing you again, kiddo. And remember what I said." He looked at Peter and MJ. "Nice meeting you two."

Peter waved at him before Quentin turned around and left. Once he was gone, MJ crossed her arms. "You never mentioned a Quentin before."

I shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't think it was that big of a deal." I looked at Peter. "So...what's this about the class going to the opera?"

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