Another Hero

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Peter held his hand out, stopping me from taking another step further

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Peter held his hand out, stopping me from taking another step further. "Do you see that?" he asked.

I looked where he was pointing to see the water slowly being sucked away into the grate. "I don't think that's supposed to -"

That's when we heard this loud explosion. Peter and I looked up as water started to erupt from the canal and stream. It created this massive wave, covering buildings, pushing the boats everywhere. I jumped back when I saw one coming right toward us. Ned and Betty were screaming as they were about to crash into the building behind us. I waved my hand to create a small barrier around the couple to avoid them crashing. They stopped next to us so I lowered my hand to avoid Betty seeing me use my power.

"Betty, you ok?" Peter asked quickly while I pulled her out alone with Ned. "Come on!"

"Guys, we gotta go!" Betty screamed as water started to swirl into the air. It created this huge colossal water monster that let out a roar.

"What is that?" Ned questioned.

"Don't know," I answered as I looked at the monster. My eyes dead set on the thing. With my back turned away from the group my eyes started to glow. This is why I need my communicator!

"Rachel -" Peter said behind me, knowing what I'm about to do. And since he left his suit back at the hotel room, so - unless he finds something that covers his face - it's up to me to stop that thing. Without looking back, I sprinted toward the water demon. "Rachel!"

"Get everyone out of here!" I shouted.

I ran away from the crowd. With a wave of my hand, I conjured up a small portal. I flew through it, changing from my regular attire to my suit. The monster threw its hand back and smashed the nearest building. It spun around and was about to smash a boat. The people inside started to scream but I flew in front of them before conjuring up another barrier to block the monster's attack.

Dark mist swirled around my hand before I shot one of my dark beams at the monster. It shot the monster's arm off but it slowly started to regenerate. The creature roared at me before bringing its hand back and punched me. My eyes widened as I brought my arms up and covered my face. A loud grunt came out of my mouth as my body flew across the water. My back collided with a wall.

"Raven!" I heard Peter yell as he ran toward me. I let out a low growl as I sat up. "What are you doing? You can't fight that thing alone."

"Do you see any other superhero?" I snapped as I gave him a sideways glare, feeling my anger rise up. My eyes shining red. "Maybe this was the big emergency Fury wanted to talk about. I could have come better prepared but you had to take my communicator away because we're on vacation."

"Let me help you."

"You want to help?" I began to levitate. "Just stay out of this. Your webs won't be much help when it comes to fighting a thing like that."

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