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I never knew how much guilt I began feeling until Peter began limping

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I never knew how much guilt I began feeling until Peter began limping. We were walking out when I noticed he favored his right leg more. So, I wrapped his arm around me and helped him across the bridge.

Peter said he forgives me. I know I should be happy but I just can't accept that. And as cliche as this sounds...he did save me. Not just from Mysterio. He saved me from myself. Who knows what kind of person I would have been if I listened to my demonic side? I could have helped Quentin create a different world that's based on lies. So, yes, we might be together and I'm myself again but for as long as I live I won't forgive myself for what I did to him.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. I was about to shake my head and tell him everything's fine but he cut me off. "Please, just tell me...I don't want you bottling everything up again."

"I'm just feeling everything," I began slowly. Peter looked confused. "I'm trying my best to control my emotions right now. Part of me is happy, yet another part of me wants to cry. I'm also angry that I let someone manipulate me like that. We might have stopped Quentin but there's something else I'm afraid of doing."

"And what's that?"

"Apologize to Pepper. I've said some things to her that I wish I could take back. And if she wants me out of her and Morgan's lives then I'll completely understand..."

"Mrs. Stark wouldn't do that to you. She's not that kind of person who would kick you out -"

"But what if you're wrong and she does?"

"You can come live with Aunt May and me."

I shook my head. "I love the offer but...I don't think that would be a good idea." I used my free hand to grab the necklace. "I mean, who would wanna live with the world's worst girlfriend? I didn't even get you a gift." I let out a sigh as I began to think. "I could just let you take my virginity."

Peter's eyes widened as his cheeks started to flush. "Woah, woah, w - wait a minute." He took a deep breath as he stumbled on his next step which almost made us trip. "You - You don't have to do that. You don't...Man, is it getting hot in here?"

"We're outside."

"Right. Um...Uh..."

A huge grin came on my face. "I'm kidding. I know what I'm going to give you." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I just wanted to see you blush."

"I wasn't blushing," he mumbled like a toddler.

"Sure, you weren't," I chuckled. My chuckle died down as I saw a familiar figure running toward us. "MJ?"

"MJ's here?" Peter asked. He squinted his eyes. "And Beast Boy?"

I didn't have time to answer before MJ dropped a mace she had in her hand before hugging the both of us.

"Are you guys ok?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, we're ok. Are you?"

"Yeah. Yeah."

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