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3rd POV

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3rd POV

Peter wasn't sure what happened. He remembers passing out inside the train and the next thing he knew he was waking up inside some jail cell. He was leaning against his cellmate with an orange soccer shirt draped over him. Peter sat up abruptly to be greeted with the happy faces of more soccer fans with their faces pained.

"Where am I?" Peter asked the cellmate next to him.

"Municipal holding facility," the shirtless fan next to him answered.

The man nodded in agreement with his friend and added, "They said they found you unconscious at the train yard. Very dangerous."

"And we gave you the shirt because you seemed a bit cold," the inmate Peter was leaning against said.

"Thanks," Peter mumbled. He glanced between the soccer fans. "You guys are nice." They all smiled at him. "You speak really good English."

"Welcome to the Netherlands," they said simultaneously.

"I'm in the Netherlands, right now?"


Peter stood up and ran toward the cell door. "Bye." He held on to the cell door. "Guard!"

"The guard is on a break," one of the guys told him. "Probably talking to his wife."

The shirtless inmate nodded and said, "Yeah, she's pregnant."

The inmate with the horned hat gave them a confused look. "Oh, yeah?"


They soon continued their conversation in Dutch as Peter reaches out and broke the lock. He opens the cell door and leaves. He spotted the guard wearing his Night Monkey mask and gave him a what the fuck look before leaving.

Looking confused, the shirtless soccer fan got up and approached the cell door.

"You guys ok?" the guard asked as he finished his phone call. In response, the inmate closed the cell door.

Meanwhile, Peter quickly put on the soccer shirt before glancing around the small market. He limps up to a man and asked, "Excuse me, sir? Could I borrow your phone?"

The man nodded. "Yeah," he said and handed Peter his phone with a smile.

"Everyone is so nice here. I should bring Raven once this is all over." He quickly dialed Happy's number. "Pick up, pick up, pick up." Happy picked up. "Hey, hey, uh...I messed up. I need a - I need a ride...Where am I?" Peter looked at the man. "Where am I, sir?"

"It's Broek op Langedijk," the man answered.

Peter didn't understand and handed him the phone. "Hang on. Could you say that into there?"

The man nodded. "Hi. It's Broek op Langedijk here...Yeah, no problem."

Peter took the phone back. "Thanks." He put the phone next to his ear. "Did you get that?" Peter's eyes softened. "She's not with me, right now." He quickly moved the phone away as Happy began yelling at him. "I'll explain everything but please just get here."

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