Nothing but Regrets

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How can I say this without breaking
How can I say this without taking over
How can I put it down into words
When it's almost too much for my soul alone
I loved, and I loved and I lost you
I loved, and I loved and I lost you
I loved, and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell
Yeah, it hurts like hell
- Hurts Like Hell, Fleurie

How can I say this without breakingHow can I say this without taking overHow can I put it down into wordsWhen it's almost too much for my soul aloneI loved, and I loved and I lost youI loved, and I loved and I lost youI loved, and I loved and I lo...

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Numbness. Emptiness. Pain.

It's like my whole body decided to shut down on me. Twenty-Two days on this ship with no rescue. No one calling. It's just been Tony, Nebula, and I. Nothing to do on this ship. Each passing day on this ship my chest feels like it's being repeatedly stabbed. Some days a bit rougher, others feel like I've been suffocating. We've lost Drax, Mantis, and Quill - not that I've cared for them that much. I've lost Strange, the first mentor I've had that actually understood me as cliche as that sounds. He helped me better understand my powers and even exceeded them to the point I might as well be a Master of the Mystic Arts, or Master of Dark Magic as he likes to call them. Then I lost Peter, which hurts the worst.

I told him to not get attached to me. I told him the people I get close to get hurt. But he was able to push his way in. He made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. Loved. Not the love that family and friends feel towards each other. I'm talking about being in love. He didn't make me feel like some weirdo with dark powers. He actually loved me for me. And I will never be able to tell him I loved him back. So losing them, losing him, made my emotions go haywire.

Tony had to rush me back on the ship as my Astral Projection destroyed Titan. We looked through the window as tears streamed down my eyes to witness the planet crumble. Since then my emotions have gone out of control to the point where I have to go back to meditating to calm myself down. Except it was difficult for me to do because every time I close my eyes, I just see them turning to dust.

I'm sorry.

I heard a small grunt coming from Nebula as she snatched the foiled paper as Tony flicked it towards her. This game that he's been trying to teach her all morning. That stupid football game where they hold their fingers together and they try to flick the paper "football" in.

"You don't need to do that," Tony said. "Because, uh, you're just holding the position." Nebula grabbed the foil and positioned it. She let out a small grunt as she flicked the foil but completely missed. "That was close." Nebula tried again a few more times before she successfully kicked the foil between Tony's fingers. "That's a goal. We are now one apiece."

Nebula slammed her hand on the table. "I would like to try again."

And that's how most of the morning went. I just stood behind them with my arms crossed as watched. They both missed a few and eventually they were tied.

"We're tied up. Feel the tension?" Tony asked as he tried to lighten the mood. "It's fun." Tony flicked the foil again but barley flew halfway to the table. "That was terrible. Now you have a chance to win." Nebula flicked her foil and scored. "And you've won." Nebula looked like she was about to burst with joy. "Congratulations." Tony stuck his hand out. "Fair game." Nebula shook his hand. "Good sport." Then Tony turned from his chair and looked at me. "What about you, Rae? Feel like giving it a shot."

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