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Rollin' past graffiti walls,
Billboards lighting up the block
Everyone of us on a mission
Got a whole crew by my side
Cars beep, beep when they pass us by
We ready to get down to business
- The City Is Ours, Big Time Rush

Rollin' past graffiti walls,Billboards lighting up the blockEveryone of us on a missionGot a whole crew by my sideCars beep, beep when they pass us byWe ready to get down to business- The City Is Ours, Big Time Rush

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So far, the best part of this trip is everyone's disappointed face when they saw the hotel we were staying it. If you can even call it that. The sign for the hotel was hanging by a thread and looked like it could collapse at any minute. The inside was even worst. I'm not that surprised about the circumstance, I'm just glad I got MJ as my roommate. At least she won't annoy me for the trip.

Mr. Harrington wanted everyone to go sightseeing for today. I don't want to sightsee. I just want to stay in the room and read while ignoring everyone. I just bought a book from the first bookstore I saw and decided to get it. I even made sure to buy some more to read on the way back. Now we're walking around Saint Marco Polo's Square just...exploring.

I heard a faint sound of a camera being clicked and looked up to see Brad with his camera pointed at me. "This one's a keeper," he said with a smile.

"You better delete that before I break that thing," I warned him. It's not even a warning, I will throw his camera into the water if he doesn't delete my picture.

"I think it looks great. Captures the real you."

I raised my brow. "The real me?"

"Could be worst," MJ said. I looked in her direction to see her surrounded by pigeons, some even on her arms and shoulders. "You're not one sneeze away from getting pooped on."

Brad chuckled as he ran toward MJ. "Another great photo opportunity."

I rolled my eyes as I got up and made some dumb excuse to leave. "As fun as this is," I started sarcastically, "I promised Peter we'd get those stupid caricature drawings together."

MJ saw through my lie, most likely not liking Brad near me. "Oh, is it a present for Pepper? I'm sure she'll like it."

"Yup, so I have to go and not be here."

"See you at the museum," Brad grinned while waving me off.

I sighed as I turned around and left. Great, now I could have some alone time before I find Peter. Opening my book, I picked up where I left off. I don't know how long I was reading and walking but I felt someone collide with my shoulder.

"Excuse me," the man apologized before quickly running off. I looked back at the guy wearing some ugly green shirt with a baseball cap moving away from the crowd. I rolled my eyes as I closed my book and just wandered around.

"I can't even get five minutes of peace," I muttered lowly.

Just my luck, I found Peter. Now, I have to go because if Brad and MJ see him first, they're gonna wonder where I am. I walked up to Peter, noticing that he was carrying a small golden bag.

"Hey," I greeted which startled him a bit.

"Raven," he breathed as he almost dropped the bag. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to get away from Brad taking pictures of me and said I was gonna find you." I motioned to the bag. "What's with the bag?"

Peter's eyes widened. "'s - it's nothing. Just something..." He decided to change the subject and not answer my question. "So Brad was taking pictures of you?"

I rolled my eyes as I walked beside him. "Just the one that I know of. MJ is probably deleting the photos now that I'm gone. All I wanted to do is read my book while drinking tea, but that seems impossible right now."

"Maybe you can meditate when we get back," Peter suggested. "How about we go to a cafe and I'll get you some espresso. It could be our first date in Venice. I'll let you read for the majority of it." I let out a sigh. "What, is it weird?"

"No, it sounds perfect," I stated. "But I might have told them we're getting one of those caricature drawings for Pepper." A groan came out of my mouth. "So, I have to get some guy to draw us together."

"It doesn't sound so bad. Maybe I could get a copy of it for May." Peter bit his lip before he slowly wrapped his arm around me. "Is this ok?"

I laid my head against his shoulder and glanced up at him. "I know what you're doing and it's not going to work."

"What am I doing?"

"You're being your cute nerdy self so I could get my mind off of this trip until we head back to the hotel."

"I am?" I gave him a look. He shook his head. "I - I am. Is it working?"

I kissed his cheek. "A bit."

We were stopped by an Italian resident. He was holding up a rose in front of us, motioning it to Peter before gesturing it to me. I knew Peter was gonna buy one. He took his arm away from me and was about to take his wallet out. My hand reached out and took his, stopping him, while I shook my head. It's a nice gesture, but I don't need a flower that's gonna die anyway.

I gave the salesman a blank look and said, "Boh."

The man's smile quickly turned in to a frown as he started walking away. Peter looked at him confusingly before looking back at me.

"What did you tell him?" he asked. "I didn't even know you speak Italian. Have you been to Venice before?"

"No. But I had time to learn Italian while I was with the Titans."

"What does boh mean then?"

"It means a lot of things. It's one of those words that can be interpreted in a bunch of ways. It could mean I don't know, get out of my face, I don't know and get out of my face. MJ was really happy when I taught her that word. Said it was her new superpower because it was her anti-aloha." I motioned to the bag. "Now, are you going to tell me what's in the bag?"

Peter let out a nervous chuckle. "Boh."

I gave a nod of approval. "Nice."

Peter held his hand out. "Let's get that caricature then." My chest fluttered a bit as I accepted his hand. I wanted to smile. But, I just couldn't bring myself to. I brought Peter's arm up and wrapped it around me while he smiled widely. "Maybe we can rent some bikes and ride through Venice."

I gave him a blank look unaware of the water slowly getting sucked up beneath us. "Don't push your luck."


A/N: I might stop adding songs to each chapter. I'm just running out of ideas for which ones to do especially for chapters where much doesn't happen. I might just add the completed playlist for the rest of this book in the next chapter.

But ooooooooh Raven is about to meet a certain someone.

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