Everything's Not What It Seems

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After scouting the perimeter, Quentin and I made our way towards headquarters.

"You ok, kid?" he asked.

I slowly nodded my head. "Why wouldn't I be?"

We flew toward Fury, who's inside the building. "I know this isn't the time or place but...I really am sorry about Peter," Quentin said.

"You said he killed himself because his guilt got to him. Out of everything that's happened to him...I never thought he would do something like this." I looked at him. "And you tried to stop him."

"I regret not being fast enough but...I didn't see that train coming before he jumped in front of it."

That doesn't sound like something Peter would do. But who am I to know what he can and can't do? Things did end badly between us. I didn't expect him to do something like this. As much as hate him, I will miss Peter.

"We can mourn for him later," Fury interrupted us. "Did you two find anything?"

"We did a full perimeter sweep. Nothing," Quentin informed him.

"I've checked underground and nothing," I said.

"Damn it," Fury muttered.

Behind Fury, Hill was looking over data on one of the monitors. "Pulse is spiking," she said.

"I'll take another look," I told them as I fly away.

"Soon as you see something, report," Fury ordered. "You two are all we've got."

"Sure thing."

"Be careful, Raven," Quentin said as I flew past the Tower Bridge. "If this is what I fear, then God help us, Fury. God help us all."

I kept flying towards Tower Bridge.

"Whatever this thing is, it's 100 times bigger than the previous ones," Hill said.

I heard people gasping. I turned to see this huge storm cloud above one of the buildings. Lightning crackled around it. I was about to make my way towards it until I heard Fury's voice over my earpiece.

"Raven," he called out.


"It seems I've left a surfboard at your house."


"Why would you have a surfboard? Since when were you at my house?" I asked. "Do you even surf?"

"I am a man of many mysteries."

"You know how many people wouldn't believe you if you tell them this?"

"Appearances can be deceiving."

Ok, if there's one thing I know for sure is that Fury isn't a surfer. Hell, I've cleaned and reorganized the house so many times I haven't even seen a surfboard. Mysteries? Is he talking about Quentin? And appearances can be deceiving? What is he trying to say? That Quentin can't be trusted? Why is Fury suddenly telling me this? I know Quentin isn't the bad guy. He wouldn't save everyone in Prague or back in Italy. Quentin Beck is a hero, I just know he is.

The dark storm clouds were heading towards Tower Bridge. I cursed under my breath before flying over. Lightning soon struck the bridge. I nearly dodged in time as swirling columns of water shot out from the river. I looked around for the Elementalist but couldn't see anything. Another lightning bolt came toward me. I flew out of the way as it struck a tour bus.

Hearing people scream, I looked down to see my school running away. My brows furrowed in confusion. What are they doing here? Shouldn't they be heading out to Paris?

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