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Someone's loud knocks on your door woke you up from your comfortable, four-hour sleep. Then came the blaring beeps from your alarms clock.


You sat upright on your bed simultaneously to your son. You both raised your arms to stretch, only he laid back down after.

You unlocked your door, letting Mina though but when she got inside you were inside your bathroom, brushing your teeth.

"Mina-chan..." you said, "it's— I don't know... but it's early..."

Mina was already dressed in her casual clothes, jumping up and down in your room around a tired Katsuro. She lifted him gently and walked in the bathroom with you.

She bumped her hips with you, making you shuffle aside so Katsuro can sit near the sink to brush his own teeth.

"You have a guest! Midoriya-kun said she came last week but you weren't here! Her name is Eri-chan!"

You instantly spat out your toothpaste. "Huh?! Eri-chan is here?! Why didn't anyone tell me!"

Mina turned to Katsuro. "You didn't tell her? Eri-chan was here the day it was really hot."

He slowly shrugged, rinsing his mouth. "I couldn't find Momma and Dad when Eri-neesan came— I think me and Uncle Midoriya found them in a closet..."

You widened your eyes as Katsuro hopped off of the sink, he was walking back into your room. "Hey! You get back here mister!"

"Sorry momma gotta change!" He giggled, leaving you and Mina.

She shimmied her shoulders and raised her eyebrows suggestively. "A closet, hmm? How very— heavenly... hmm? Midoriya-kun said you both were shirtless and sweaty when he found you!"

"No! It's not like that!" You shook your hands in front of you, trying to avoid the topic. "If you were in there for the whole day with no AC you would be sweaty too! Now, please leave so I can get changed!"

"If you say so~" she dragged on the 'so', winking at you. "Bakugou and Sasaki, sitting in a tree—"

"See you downstairs— bye!"

Mina started laughing, "see you downstairs!"

Walking through the corridors towards the elevator half-ready wasn't a good idea, but walking into Bakugou made it worse.

He bumped into you causing you to drop the hairpins and tie you bit down to fall through the small gap between the floor and the elevator.

What were the chances?

Extremely high.

How unlucky.

"Ugh. You know you are a real shit, right?"

Bakugou looked more tired and frustrated than usual. He was probably nervous for the concert your class was going to perform later. Then again, Bakugou nearly never gets nervous for anything.

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