72 | DAY OFF

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'day off'

a few days later.

Grabbing a brown paper bag filled with packaged lunch, you made your way down the boardwalk to the seating area under the newly set up umbrellas. You frowned at your not-shirtless boyfriend, sitting beside him after he pulled an empty chair closer with his foot for you to sit.

"The rest shirtless and you're not. What a letdown."

You pinched your sunglasses from his face and placed them on your head. The boys laughed at your comment and Mina agreed, leaning against the half-burnt Kirishima.

"Why do you take your sunglasses off me and not use 'em properly? Dumb dumbass."

"Say ah~" You held a fry between your thumb and index finger, holding it in front of Katsuki. As he opened his mouth and you ate it yourself, satisfied with the tease. "Sike. Still mad you didn't swim with us earlier."

Katsuki scoffed, frowned and took some fries from the bag and started eating them with you. You allowed it and placed your legs on his thighs. "It was four in the morning," he said, placing his hands over your legs.

"Katsuro was there too and the time he wakes up is later than yours. You have no excuses."

"Because you let him stay up late last night to watch movies with the other two kids."

"Because it's our last day here!"

Mina nudged Sero and pointed to you and Katsuki as you both had the conversation. "Hey. Remember the bet we made back before the festival? You and I said that [name]-chan would admit her feelings first. I think we won."

Sero nodded and told Kaminari. The blond gasped and shook his head. "Nu-uh! I swear Kacchan admitted them first! Ask him!"

"Ask me what?" Katsuki growled, furrowing his brows. "Better not be some shit question."

"Who told the other they loved each other first?" Kirishima asked, rubbing sunscreen on the skin of his biceps. "We made a bet a couple of months back and we want to know who the winner is since you're clearing not fake dating anymore."

"You knew about that?" You asked finishing your food.

"Duh! Who do you take me for!!" Mina nodded and held onto your hand across the table. "Please [name]-chan! Tell us that you admitted to your baby daddy first! I just know Kaminari will dry out my card if he wins!"

Katsuki kissed his teeth and looked at you for a second. "Why would she admit first? It was me, duh."

"Ha!" Kirishima screamed, almost falling back. "We won!"

"No, no," you interjected. "I said I love you first."

The boy sat beside you smirked and leaned closer. "Did you really, purple-eyes? I don't think that's how it happened."

"Yeah, it was," you disagreed, crossing your arms. "I asked you if you knew that I loved you, Boom boom."

"And BEFORE that, I asked your dumb ass if you felt the same way I was."

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