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'in sickness & in health'

"Wear these," Bakugou told you and gave you his sunglasses in trade for your glasses. "So people don't see your fucked up eye makeup."

You narrowed your eyes at him, putting them on regardless of his 'kind gesture'. Because of the spilt food, you had changed out of your shirt and buttoned the blazer with a safety pin to go over your bralette.

Bakugou had offered you his hoodie, but you thought it would be best if your boyfriend didn't go out shirtless in the snowy weather to be possibly stared and drooled over by people that would walk past.

The noise of chatter from the customers of the restaurant sounded like humming to the both of you. You decided to use Shindo's money to pay for the damage in addition to the ruined food you didn't eat.

Street food sounded like a better idea anyway, the price for a single bowl would equal a lot of fries! That would also be nicer for your wallet, too.

"Thanks, I guess," you told him, waiting at the stoplight by his side. Looking at Bakugou beside you, you saw him with a more serious expression than he usually did.

You were going to ask him what was wrong, but that's when you thought you saw Toga in a van that drove by quickly. Stood blinking, you knitted your eyebrows together in confusion.

Instinctively, your grip tightened on Bakugou's hand as he pulled you to cross the road.

He didn't fail to realise you seemed off— he didn't see that you thought you saw Toga. He was thinking that maybe Shindo seemed even worse than he was before he took you out of that situation.

Bakugou only had a small insight into what he was actually like with you and further understood why sometimes you would jump or flinch before eventually melting into his touch.

Your mind, to him specifically, seemed to be all over the place, struggling to find a single thing to focus on.

So he continued to drag you close, this time he wasn't walking and stood still next to the trunk of a tree near the public park.

No one was there, so he took the opportunity to tilt your head back with his hand to kiss your lips to bring all your attention back on him.

It worked— Your expression said it all.

Flushed and embarrassed, you let out a little squeak and your mouth made a little 'o' shape in surprise. Then, your lips circled into a smile and you pecked him on the cheek, whispering a 'thank you' to him which made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up from the feeling of your breath that close.

"Don't thank me," he grumbled and looked away, "I said that you looked stupid when you're confused."

"That's just rude," you joked, smacking his arm playfully. "I'm so hurt by you, King Explosion Murder."

"That nickname," Bakugou sighed again and gently wrapped his right arm around your shoulders protectively. "It's so dumb."

"But you made it."

"Yeah, when I was an insensitive bitch."

"At least you're self-aware," Your right hand moved upwards to link with his, his warm fingers carefully securing your hold with him.

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