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'festival, part three'

Bakugou had just put you down after carrying you through the haunted house. You thanked him shyly and ran up to Katsuro, picked him up from behind and spun him around.

"Momma! Dad! How was the haunted house?" He excitedly asked, hugged you before you put him down. "Was it scary?"

The boy in question walked up to the both of you, smirking. "Your mom was so frickin' scared. Too bad I didn't take any pictures."

"Boy, if you don't shut up—"

"What are you going to do, dumbass?" He questioned, tilting his head with a smirk.

You clicked your tongue and turned away with pink dusted cheeks. "You're so annoying..."

Eri saw you approach and let go of Mirio's hand to walk up to you. "[name]-san! Did you see the concert?" She asked with a big beam on her face. "It was so cool! Like there was a pew and then and another pew!"

You tucked a strand of her pale hair behind her ear then put a clip to hold it in place. "Yeah, did you enjoy it?"

Eri nodded, holding up a small Hawks plush. "Katsuro-san got me this present. He said it's a plushie of Mr Chicken..."

You laughed softly, agreeing with her instead of correcting the name she gave Hawks. It was too cute to ruin. Katsuro walked from Bakugou to join you and Eri, hugging your arm.

Bakugou watched as you talked to the kids. You were so at ease and kind around them. Normally he would just yell at them and scare them off, so he watched how you handled them. He was learning alongside you on how to be a proper adult and seeing you be gentle only wanted him to be better at this and achieve as much as you in 'parenting'.

"Wow... [name]-chan is really good with kids," Kirishima said, standing beside his best friend. "It almost makes you want her to have and be the mother to yours, right?"

Bakugou was about to nod, but he quickly registered what Kirishima had just said and scowled at him. "Shut up, shitty hair!"

"You're not denying bro!"

"Tch. That's because she is. Don't you see Firecracker?"

"I do. That's why I said it," he said before letting Bakugou walk up the three of you, talking away about heroes.

Mina walked to him, leaning her head on his shoulder. "How cute. Sero-kun and I still have the advantage on the bet."

"No you have not!" He replied, sounding so offended. "Watch Bakubro be so manly that [name]-chan has to admit she likes him first!"

"Nu-uh! [name]-chan is a bad bitch and she'll get him to admit first!" She argued, crossing her arms. "You know what, Kirishima-kun? Let's go against each other in the obstacle race. I'll win!"

As she started racing him to it, he sighed loudly and ran after her. "Bet!"

Meanwhile, Mirio had left to spend time with Tamaki and Nejire, passing all children duties to you and Bakugou.

"Woah... Heroes are cool— [name]-san..." She looked at Bakugou, almost nervous from his intimidating presence. "He looks like Katsuro-san..."

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