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a/n: the song 'broken' by anson seabra kinda reminds me if this story so... yeah go listen while reading this :,)


Some of the alumni of U.A. sat together at one table for the first time in a couple of years in the Dynamight and Epochary agency. A mix of the 'used to be' competitive A class and B class students were talking amongst themselves in hushed tones, waiting for the number two hero to arrive along with his son.

Having waited for around twenty minutes and knowing how strictly punctual Dynamight usually was, all of them knew something was wrong when he was late.

Said pro hero came into the hall, wearing less than casual clothing instead of his hero clothes with a pale and drained look on his face.

His son didn't look all ecstatic to see his uncles and aunties either. That was new. In all honesty, the six-year-old looked like he had just been in an intense conversation with his dad, just finished his little sniffling session and calmed down.

Katsuki didn't look pleased to see everyone together at one table with his girlfriend missing in her seat. He knew that you would've loved to see everyone together again.

He felt so very guilty as he was here and moving while you were still missing or dead. He also managed to hold his weakly-held-together stoic expression despite his son telling him that morning that one of his recent visions involved something that could collapse society within another sleep.

The blond man cleared his throat deeply, sitting in his chair while also extending his arm behind him to pull Katsuro's next to his. "Extras."


Monoma was the first to stand abruptly and yell. "Katsuro-kun! You're here! My goodness!"

"Sit the fuck down, you menace to society." Shinsou, who had the luck of sitting beside him, looked and dodged his flayed arms, rolling his eyes.

The blond hero shrugged, ignored the pairs of eyes staring at him and hugged Katsuro before he sat down.

Katsuro, however, struggled to hug him back.
He was still shaken from his dream— nightmare.
Whatever have you will.
Seeing the older you, the person and mom he had grown up with was always good.
How long will that last was the question.
How can a child not be scared?

"Hi, Uncle Monoma."

The purple-haired man cleared his throat, waving to Katsuki. "Why are we here, Bakugou? I get you wanted us in a meeting and don't get me wrong, it's nice to see everyone, but you're late and we still have some work."

"I know," he sighed tiredly, "Shut up, troll doll. I'm trying to piece together what I'm gonna say."

"Fine. If I'm behind schedule, Aizawa-san will have my head and I'll blame it on you." He leaned back on his chair, staring at Katsuki, not missing the fact his eyes were tired just like his even though he wasn't working. He didn't feel bad, though. He had grown close enough to everyone to realise that no one liked the pity, so he didn't press on.

Shoto sat up, glancing at Katsuro sadly. "You both look as though you haven't been getting any sleep. What's wrong?"

Dynamight groaned and ran his hand down his face. "Tch. Something is going on in the past that led to her being the only one that died. I want to find out what." He ruffled his son's hair, "And this guy is helping me find out what by going through what changed, sorry that we don't live up to your pristine skincare routine, number three."

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