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"Do you feel like you have to like me?"

It was quiet. You made it like this for you, the sudden awkwardness and uncomfortableness. You felt like you just had to ask or else you'd never have the closure you need.

Maybe being a 'father' to him felt like more of a mission instead of an actual family bond. You just never know because of how his personality changes depending on who's around him: he was either angry, quiet or 'caring', which is only when Katsuro is around and sometimes you.

You would never let your guard down again around people because of what happened in the final years of middle school. After that, you would never fall for someone without asking them how they truly felt even though their actions tell you everything.

That was the difference between you and Bakugou.

He'd have trouble telling people about how he feels unless he's shouting, being violent or hitting something. He shows how he feels through actions and that's why you don't understand him.

But neither of you knew what lacked in the other's communication.

"Tch. About you and Katsuro? Yeah, I do."

Another silence. This time it felt worse for the blond standing three feet away from you. Bakugou wasn't upset, he didn't comprehend why you were.

He saw you head lift from the ground to face with one of your smiles.

There was something off with it, but he didn't understand enough to care.

You nodded and walked past him to get to your dorm building. "I see. I'll be goin—"

"We're trying to get him back to his real family. We aren't his parents no matter how many times he calls you 'momma'."

Bakugou grabbed your wrist to stop you from walking away. His tone was sounding like this meant nothing to you or him. That hurt you, this would probably hurt Katsuro too.

You wouldn't tell him yet. You had to keep him happy because that's what every child deserves.

The way his calloused and warm hands tightened the grip on your wrist made your fingers twitch. It felt like your blood wasn't going to your hands anymore.

Believe it or not, this has happened to you and Bakugou in the last semester, back during the sports festival. Your 'sweet' smile turned into a frown.

"Let go, Katsuki." You tried to wiggle your wrist free but he didn't budge. "Katsuki, for fucks sake—"

You looked up at him and he narrowed his eyes at you. "Don't get too attached to him, we're going to have to let him go eventually."

"Do you even treat us like a family?" You questioned. "Even All Might had said that he could be from the future coming back here to maybe do something important and yet under your facade, you still act like someone you're not."

"You didn't even consider time travelling until All Might said it was possible. For your fucking information, extra, I don't have a fake face and I do whatever I want to."

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