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elementary school.

"Hey, dad! You came to dads and daughter day!" You exclaimed excitedly.

"I did, [name]... All Might said it would be good if I went out more."

"Did Uncle All Might com back from his battle?" Your fist imitated his punches and the older Sasaki patted your head.

"Yes, he did."

"C'mon let's do the egg and spoon race!"

The whole day, everyone kept staring at the both of you, older people asking your dad for autographs to which he denied but accepted a picture and people from your school telling you how cool your dad was and how cool that you knew All Might.

It was fun to talk to so many people, but you could help but feel that they were only talking for their personal gain. You found it hard to trust people after what happened not too long ago.

But since your dad was strong about it, so were you.

You wanted to spend as much time as you could with your dad today since he was always at work, but many kept coming up. You weren't a big attention seeker so you found a place, visible to him, to sit down in until he finished talking to everyone.

You were alone for the most part, that was until a boy with messy brown hair approached you.

"Hi! Are you Sasaki-chan?" He said, sitting down in front of you.

"My dad is over there," you pointed, bored.

"Ah... No. It's okay. I wanted to talk to you anyway."

"O-oh..." you replied, embarrassed.

He laughed at you. "You're funny Sasaki-chan."

A shadow loomed over the both of you. You liked up and saw your dad push his glasses up.

"Hi dad! Do you want to go to the next stall?" You asked.

Sir Nighteye bent down on his legs to get to your small level. "I'm sorry [name], I have to go back to the agency. I've called the Todoroki's here. They do deserve a day out."He kissed your head. "Meet you later, okay?"

"Okay." You smiled back, waving as your dad walking into the sea of people.

The brown-haired boy looked at you. "[name]... that's beautiful."

"Thank you..."

"My name is S—"

"[name]-chan!" A female voice called out. Your turned around and saw a teenage girl with white and red hair run towards you with two other boys slowly following behind.

"Fuyumi-nee! Hi!"

"[name]-chan, we haven't seen you for a while. How are you? Who's this?"

"I met him today while dad was talking to people. He's super nice."

"Hello! I'm sorry to cut this short but my mom's looking for me... Here's my house number! We'll talk on this until we get our own phones in middle school! Bye-bye [name]-chan!"

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