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'epochary: origin'

You were born on [your birthday day & month] to Sasaki Mirai and Sasaki [m/n] in Musutafu, Japan. At the age of six, you gained your version of time quirk variation of the Sasaki family, giving you the ability to stop time at your command with a price.

Having 'pause' develop at the later end of the spectrum was both a great blessing and a curse.

To you, it didn't matter. You were too young to care. Wouldn't it be exciting to walk around thinking you were powerless to then immediately do something and then have an incredible power?

Yes. Obviously.

But it was normal to see it left and right, especially when your dad is a hero and when your mother worked close with quirks.

Sir Nighteye, was simply overjoyed to see you even gain a quirk.
He knew it was your dream to become a hero, be like him and open up an agency.

For your mother, it meant so much more.
The first time you skipped a minute, she started to act different around you and your dad.
She was more than you could comprehend,
More than society was ready for,
More than the Hero Public Safety Commission could handle and monitor...

Maybe that's why she left.

You were too naïve to understand what she truly wanted, her reason for doing what she did.

But to any sane person, it would seem as though you were an object to fill her void when she was at loss of a quirk even if she was one of the most successful scientists.

Holding her hand tightly as you skipped across the parking lot, you turned your head around you to familiarise yourself with the newer department you had never been to. You just finished a day a your friend's house, Shoto's, and if you shut your eyes you swore you could fall asleep then and there no matter the location.

But as the pure white exteriors, floor to ceiling windows, tall ceilings and high rising pillars to support balconies that overlooked the lobby entered your vision, it crossed sleep off of your vocabulary.

"Welcome to mom's new work, [name]," she told you softly, kindly and warmly.

All of that was a facade when you entered her new lab.

"It hurts!" You winced, the restraints tightening around your wrists when needles poked through the tips of your fingers to be squeezed for blood tests. "Mom... no more owies..."

"Hush, hush, only a second now," she told you.

[m/n] held a clipboard in front of her, looking at your vitals and the conditions of your quirk through a new machine.

"Your quirk's drawbacks need to be controlled, [name]."

Her colleagues pretended didn't hear your pleas of pain, completing what they needed to do and just walked away, not sparing a glance because you were with your mother.

She knew what she was doing.

Your dad didn't think so.

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