Chapter Twenty Nine: Feelings and Boats

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Nervousness coursed through my veins the minute the doorbell rang.

I almost tripped half way while trying to put on my black converse. Although Rylan had specifically informed me to dress nicely, I wanted to mix a little bit of myself in my attire.

"Luke, can you hand me my bag?" I asked, almost to the door. "Luke, please!" I begged, but he was just sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and making no effort to even budge.

Luke was upset with me, he made that clear the minute I told him about my date tonight.

"Cayden, don't go it's not worth it. Stay with me, we can watch movies and eat ice cream." He persuaded all morning and afternoon, his lip formed into a cute pout. I wanted to give in, I did, but I really needed to go on this date.

My mind has been clouded with Luke and now just his smile has me weak at the knees and wanting more. Something is happening inside me, I known of this feeling since we meet but it was weak before and only got stronger and stronger with every giggle that fall out of his mouth, every terrible joke he tried to make.

But then there was Rylan and there is something about him I can't let go of. Rylan is my first major crush and in a way, I want to cling on that and never let go. We have been drastically progressing and I don't want to drop it all without knowing what could really happened between us.

I stomped past Luke, who was still angry, and grabbed my bag off the couch next to him. I turned to face him, my hands on my hip, "You can't just ignore me forever Luke. It's only one date."

He didn't say anything, just rolled his eyes. The doorbell rang again.

"Fine. It's that how you want to be then so be it. Just remember Lea and Silvia are coming back today so please do not expose yourself." With that, I turned my heel toward the door. I placed my hand on the knob, taking a small breath.

"Hey Rylan." I greeted. He looked great of course, he wore a crisp white shirt, prominently lining to his muscles and clean jeans with dress shoes.

He hugged me, "Hey Cayden, you look cute." He acknowledged with my black romper but he seemed a bit judgmental of my choice of shoes. Shaking it off, because I tend to dramatize situations, I follow him to his brand new Audi.

He slides in the driver side and I sit in the passenger seat. Rylan zooms out of the drive way and speeds to our destination.

We converse in small talk and I make no effort to ask where our date was. It was no point, he wasn't going to tell me so I might as well go along with the surprise.

Yet for some reason, the drive was at least an hour causing to me to almost drift off into a pseudo sleep.

"Cayden," Rylan touches my knee, "We are here babe."

I rub my eyes then open the door. The sounds of waves immediately hit my eardrums.

We were at a beach.

Sitting in front of the dock was a small boat and from the looks it, we were the only two here. I didn't mind that but at the same time my stomach grew in knots, we were actually doing this with no distractions.

Rylan extended his arm to me, guiding me toward our destination.

Everything was picture perfect. The sun was just setting, casting mixtures of pinks, yellows, and oranges. Washington was hardly ever this beautiful but something felt off. I just didn't know what.

Rylan guided me up the stairs toward the deck where a set white clothed table stood.

"This is really nice." I commented after he pulled my chair out for me.

"Well I wanted to be special, you mean a lot to me." Rylan smiled, "Please dig it in, my dad prepared it specially for us."

I willingly used my knife and fork to cut into the roasted chicken. It was smelled delicious no doubt but that feeling of off was strongly returning.

I tried my very best to ignore that harshness, chewing slowly the first piece.

My heart was increasingly pounding and I felt as if I was going to pass out. I stood up right away,"Is there a bathroom here?"

I sped off with his directions waking inside where the wheel was into a small room. I slammed the door, sliding down my back on the cool wood.

My breathing was rough; I didn't know what was happening, but I know who I needed.

"Luke." I rushingly whispered, "I need you, please, Luke." Closing my eyes as I attempted to calm myself.

Suddenly a hand gently caressed my cheek, "Cayden, sweetheart, what is wrong?"

"I don't know Luke, I don't know." I breathed out; I wanted to heave all the contents of my stomach out, anything to stop this feeling.

"Deep breathes sweetheart. You are okay, everything will be okay." He caressed my face, his fingers softly making slow circles upon my cheeks.

My breathing subsided eventually, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me like that."

"There's nothing you should be sorry for." He assured me, "I'm sorry for being such a jerk earlier."

"You didn't mean to-"

"No, I should have put away my idiotic selfishness and not let it get to me. That's not what I'm here for, I'm here to make you happy and I'm doing a terrible job so far." He frowned, bowing his head a little in shame.

"No." I denied, "You honestly make me so happy. If it weren't for you, who knows my body might have been buried ten feet already."

He flinched at what I mentioned but he couldn't respond due to a knock on the door. "Cayden is everything okay?" Rylan asked.

I looked at Luke while replying, "Yeah, I'll be out there in a minute."

Loud footsteps lead me to believe that Rylan left.

Luke aided me up and I washed my face under his watchful gaze. I thanked him after he handed me a towel to dry my hands. The air was eerily silent, no one knew what to say.

He fled after I walked out the door. The nauseating feeling didn't diminish completely, just weakened.

"Sorry about that." I apologized to Rylan who dismissed it right away.

The rest of the night was lovely, we ate and chatted while the light burned down. Soon it was dark and since it was a Tuesday we had to leave.

"I had a nice time." I commented while I stood up from my chair. Rylan pulled me closer to him, the sky shades darker then usual, the air turning a tad cooler.

"I really like your eyes." He whispered as our states fixated at each other. His lips inching forward; my mind on a rampage of thoughts.

Our lips locked but unlike the fairy tales and modern movies, there were no sparks, no fireworks and that off feeling was more prominent then ever.



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