Chapter Sixteen: Chance

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By next morning, my throat hardly hurt, my voice barely cracked, and I didn't feel the need to roll into fetal position every second.

I sat up to only see Luke staring at the various photos on my drawer and walls. "Luke, what are you doing?"

"Just looking at your photos. Did you take these? They are amazing." He peered down at a couple, clear interest was shown on his face.

"Some of them. I was really into photography but then it kind of just stopped." I picked at the ends of my tangled, morning hair.

"What made you stop?" He questioned while he picked a photo up.

"My dad passed away. I lost interest in a lot of activities since then." It was true, with my father's death my passions dwindled and now very little attracted my attention.

"Were you ever thinking of going farther with your photography? I mean these pictures are just astounding. You really do have an eye for the camera." He praised placing the photo back and observing the ones on the wall.

"Thanks." I murmured, slightly uncomfortable that Luke was discovering my pas; the past I was trying to bury deep away. "I actually wanted to do major in photography in college but I gave that up."

"Why?" He smiled down at one picture. There were crinkles at the tips of his eyes and blue orbs were shining more then ever. Yet for a split second, his expression turned regretful and almost hurt.

"It's competitive and I don't believe in myself enough to make it out there. The real world is scary." I got up to walk behind him. He was staring at a picture of a lake. It wasn't my image at all, it was my father's. When I was little my family would always take small trips down to the local lake and just anything there from relaxing to skipping rocks on the water. It was a tradition to travel down there at least once a month but over time as my father became ill, they suddenly stopped and I suddenly missed it ever more then ever.

He turned around, "You would do amazing. It's your dream, you should go for it."

I shook my head, "No one believes in me and that makes me believe in myself less. Plus what if I fail?"

He cupped my face in his hands, his thumbs caressing my cheeks, "How would you know if you failed sweetheart? You wouldn't know, if you don't try. What happens if you do take the risk and make your dreams come true? You have to at least try."

"I don't know Luke I really don't." I huffed.

He pressed his forehead against mine, "I believe in you so much. Please just try for me?"

His captivating eyes made my thoughts squabble and my knees weak, "Fine. I'll try."

I thought that once I agreed he would move away but he didn't. It was just is, staring at each other. I was quite sure he could hear my loudly rapid heart beat.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered.

But the question really was, what was this boy doing to me?


"Have you thought about your future?" Luke questioned.

As of right now, we were just on my bed, watching re runs of Friends on my laptop. Thankfully, my step mother and sister decided not to bother me, probably because they thought I was still contagious.

I paused the scene. "Honestly, I don't know if I see myself with a future or not."

"Cayden, everyone has a future. Time doesn't stop for just one, it keeps going and it's your choice of you want to stay in the past or live for the future. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You don't understand the incredibly opportunities life has in store for you."

"And you do?"

"I know your future sweetheart."

I immediately sat up, "Tell me about it."

"I can't." He denied my requested causing me to pout, "Why not?"

"It's like this. If you were given a book about your life, if every detail, every little thing about your life was in that book, would you read it? Would you read about the times that will make you cry or smile? Would you read about who would you marry and what your kids will do? Or would you wait and see what the future beholds? Would you wait and take the risk and wait for the surprise?" Before I could respond, Luke brought out a piece of paper behind his back.

"This is for you." He handed to me, it was an application for the University of New York.

"My dream school." I whispered. "I can't Luke, I won't get in."

"You never know unless you try."


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 500 plus reads! I love you all so much!

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