Chapter Fourteen: Dance

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Droplets of water were sprinkling the streets of Seattle by the time Luke and I were out the door.

I would be lying to say that part of me was glad to be leaving, to have Rylan not chase after me. But another part would be lying as well if I said I wasn't appreciative of Luke.

"Thank you." I muttered while we walked on the sidewalk, dodging strangers who were trying to avoid getting drenched.

"For what? You know I would always protect you no matter what, even if you wanted it of not." He tried to joke but I knew what he was referring to.

"Luke, I don't need help. I'm thankful but I don't need it." I rubbed my arms, attempting to become warm in the chilly October air.

He muttered a few words that I couldn't hear and then shimmied out of his jacket.

"What are you-" To answer my question, he placed his jacket on my shoulders.

"I rather you not get ill because of this weather." Without permission, he tangled our hands together. I wanted to stripe my hand out of his, my conscious deceived but truthfully, I felt at ease.

Maybe it was because of the rain, maybe it was because my supposed to be knight in shining armor didn't run after me like he was supposed to, maybe it was because I truly reached the bottom pit of the darkness. But right here, while the rain was speeding down, right here where Luke's and my hands were intertwined, I finally felt as if I could breathe.

Free and alive; the child in me broke from her cage of adulthood. The weight of reality simply faded from my mind and the only thing that mattered to be was the now, with Luke.

I placed my arms in the sleeves of his jacket, the cuffs going past my hands.

"You look so small." He lightheartedly teased and wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing me closer.

I pulled away and widely smiled, Luke tried to reach for me but I stepped back.

"You are going to have run and catch me!" I sped forward, leaving him in the dust.

The echoes of his laughter were faintly heard while I zoomed off. My shoes were soaking from splashing into puddles but I didn't mind for once.

"Luke!" I turned around, expecting to see the blue eyed boy, but I was alone.

"Luke?" I called out but there was no answer.

In movies, one of the most dangerous places to venture is an abandoned ally. There could be murderers, criminals, or a lunatic hiding there. But that's where I somehow ended up, in an deserted alley.

"Luke?" I called again, my voice trembled at the end. A cold breeze filtered around and I found myself staring at a dark wall.

My senses heightened when I heard footsteps crunching leaves. This could not be happening.

"Luke?" I whispered, my body shaking, my mind racing with treacherous thoughts. There was no where to run.

"Luke!" I screamed in pure terror when a hand landed on my shoulder. I spun around ready to knee the stranger. Instead a gruff, dark figure I was met with an amused Luke, he had his hand over his mouth to hold back from laughter.

"You jerk!" I playfully pushed him away and stalked out of the alley.

He caught my hand and secured my fingers with his, making sure to I couldn't let to. "I apologize but you should have seen your face. It was priceless."

I frowned at him, "I thought you were a rapist or something!"

He chortled, "You know I would never leave you. You seem a lot more care free, I love this side of you."

Thank goodness for the darkness and barely dimmed street lamps or else he would have seen me blushing.

For an unknown reason, I wanted to say something back but I bit back my tongue.

"I just feel okay right now. Like there's nothing that can hurt me, expect you of course."

"I would never hurt you darling."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Good." We walked in silence for a few good minutes, just appreciating this very moment. The rain was illuminating the pavement and everything just seemed at ease. No one was out and about, it was just us two trapped in this beautiful oblivion that I wished I could stay forever in.

Feeling bold, I asked him, "Do you know what I always wanted to do?"

"What would that be?" He stared at me with curiosity.

"I know this is going to sound really stupid but I saw this in a movie when I was seven and I don't know. Just being here and with the rain and the-"

"Cayden" He chortled, "Just tell me."

"I want to dance in the rain. Right now with you." I mumbled, my brave side fading at how childish my request was.

But Luke didn't seem to mind as he placed his hands around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck.

We lightly danced to the rhythm of the rain. Luke made up for my clumsy feet with his graceful moves. His hands strongly gripped my waist and I would never in a million years want to end this.

His sea blue eyes bored into mine, our foreheads touched and our lips were centimeters apart.

That was until thunder started to crackle.

We jumped back from each other. He tugged at his lip ring and I nervously touched me hair.

What just happened?

"I think we should go now." Luke suggested, relinking our fingers together.

We crossed the street where homes I have never seen before were parallels laid out.

"Luke do you know where we are?" I questioned, observing our environment.

He shrugged, "No idea."

Thunder lit the sky again. If it was possible, the rain began to pick up. Although the water seemed to harshly pound the streets it felt soft against my already drenched clothing and hair.

"I hope I don't get sick." I grumbled, my mind still tingling with the thought of kissing Luke.

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