Chapter Ten: He's Not What He Seems

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Luke?" Rylan asked, undoubtedly perplexed. He glanced at the space where I continued to stare at.

"Cayden, there's no one there." He notified me.

But there was, Luke was right there. How could Rylan not see him? Luke was in plain sight. But that's when it hit me.

Rylan can't see Luke, only I can.

"Please." Luke softly beseeched, "Please, just please come home right now."

I slightly tore Rylan off of me and shook my head, "Um sorry about that, I just remembered. I have to go home and feed my dog um...Luke. I got to go now or my stepmother will have my head." With that Luke disappeared and I rushed out of the door, Rylan at my heel.

"Cayden wait!"

"Sorry I have to go." I slid into my beat up car and peeled out of the drive way and down the street, slightly ignoring Rylan's pleas.

My pulse increased as I turned the corner while thoughts of worry invaded my mind.

Was Luke okay?

Was he hurt?

I never thought I would ever live to view the sight of Luke almost in tears. He was usually so head strong and sarcastic that you would think it would take a bull to break through his walls.

Sloppily my car was parked on the curb in front of the raggedy house. With the speed of lightning, I dashed into the house, ignoring the statements from Silvia about the noise and my tardiness.

Seconds seemed eternity as I reached my door, I flung it open in haste.

Luke's head arose from his knees while he was seated at the edge of my bed, his long legs touching the floor.

"You came." His tone seemingly surprised at my entrance. He shot up and walked over to embrace me in his arms.

His nauseating scent filled my nostrils. Right then and there, I felt in place for once like this is where I was supposed to be for the rest of my life, in his arms.

And that terrified me.

I gently pushed Luke's arms away, his frown indicated he wasn't very happy with my action but he remained silent.

I grabbed his face, "Are you hurt?" I inspected. The corners of his mouth turned upright.

"You care." He observed, maybe I did.

"I guess, I do." I whispered back.

Realizing there was no damage to him, I unlatched myself from this position, knowing it was too close to my liking and too dangerous my almost insane mind.

I sat on my bed and felt it shift next to me, his arms tried to reach out but I pulled back.

"Why did you want me to come home?" I asked.

"I just needed you here." He softly told me.

"But why?" I pestered.

He shrugged, "I just do." But something else in his voice told me otherwise.

"But there is something wrong, I can tell, I'm not stupid." I looked him dead on in the eye.

He was trying to mask his emotions but even the greatest liar has his tell.

"Luke tell me. Why did you want me to leave?" My tone slightly increased.

"You just had to okay? Can we please just drop it?" He sighed.

"Drop it? You want me to drop how you just rudely interrupted my time with the boy who I really like?" I asked in disbelief, I had been craving alone time Rylan since last year but my chance was ruined now, thanks to Luke.

He flinched at my words, "Don't say that. He's not the one for you."

"Oh? Then who is?"

His face dropped, "I can't tell you Cayden. It's not my place to."

I pointed a finger at him, "I thought you wanted me to be happy! I thought your job was to bring me joy and make me smile. Well Rylan makes me smile and now he will probably never talk to me again let alone look at me."

Luke's passive state turned three hundred and sixty degrees, "Does he really? Because from what I have observed, the kid ignores you. Isn't it a little suspicious that all of a sudden he come on to you like that? Wake up Cayden, this isn't a fairytale and he's certainly not your Prince Charming."

I crossed my arms, refusing to believe his judgements against Rylan. "What are you trying to imply?" I crossly asked, my temper gnarling.

"Watch out for him, Rylan isn't what he seems to be."




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