Chapter Twenty Six: Trust

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The last day of any break is always the absolute worst.

It is also the time you are meant to rest up because of school the next day.

"Luke, can we just stay here?" I moaned into the comfort of my pillow. The morning was starting to shift toward the afternoon and I had only woken up minutes ago because Luke became to yell, telling me he wanted to do something right now.

But that's what we been doing all break is something, something new every single day. Going to the park was one day and burning cupcakes was the next. Yesterday, Luke demanded we go to the zoo, which we did and spent countless of hours trying to secretly feed peanuts to the elephants.

My break was full of fun, I will admit but I was also very tired. Because one, Luke had drained all my energy, two the thought of school tired me out, and three because I had stayed up late to take my uncle back to the airport last night. It was also the day Silvia and Lea was supposed to return from their family reunion in Miami or something.

"No sweetheart, I planned out the day today and we have to it." He argued, tugging my sheets off of me.

The cold welcomed me while I laid in the fetal position to maintain body heat.

"I say watching a Friends all day counts as being productive." I groaned as something light repeatedly hit me and I found myself being assaulted by Luke's pillow.

"Get up now, we always have time for that but we won't have time for what I have planned. Now hurry up." He demanded with seriousness. I wasn't in the mood to argue so I begrudgingly pulled myself up and marched toward the bathroom with a few clothes that I found on the floor, not before throwing my own pillow at Luke. He blocked it before it could touch his annoyingly perfect face.

"Good try." He commented while I stalked down the hall, "And I'm not perfect. How many time do I need to remind you?"


Trust. Trust is something that is developed so easily yet so hard to gain back once lost. Trust is the full ability to rely on someone.

It was obvious to even someone blind that I had trust issues. So it made me slightly fidgety when Luke decided to cover my eyes with a blindfold.

"Luke, I'm really uncomfortable with this." I told him while my arms were reaching for anything to hold in case my feet decide to fail me.

We had been walking for a total of five minutes yet with each second passing, I was growing a bit more nervous. I trust Luke I did, but there always is that small voice in my head that cautions me.

"We are almost there." He informed me, I knew if he would leave me because his hands were on my hips, guiding me to the unknown destination.

"I swear Luke if I bump into something or I trip I will-"

He let out a musical chortle, "You won't like I said if you fall, I'll be the one to catch you."

"Can you at least tell me where we are going now?" I figured that since we were almost there, he might as well spill.

"Not a chance sweetheart, it will ruin the surprise."

"I hate surprises." I mumbled, suddenly tripping over a rock but before my face could hit the ground, his arms held me tight.

"I told you I'd catch you." He whispered into my ear.

We where in the forest I concluded when I heard the sound of birds whistling and the smell of pine needles filled my nostrils.

It was no surprise that we were in the middle of the secluded area. It was no surprise that the grass was the exact color, the stumps still there. What was a surprise was the cliche red checkered blanket set in front of the logs along with a wooden basket.

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