Chapter Eleven: Don't Change

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"I don't believe you Luke. I thought you wanted me to be happy? Now your trying to take it away, how could you?" My voice cracked at the end, all rational thoughts dissipated.

"Your supposed to make my life okay- your supposed to make me okay." I mumbled, tapping on the skin at my wrists. "I'm not okay."

Luke let out a long breath, "Come here." His arms surrounded me, his skin warm as a summer's day. The waves of stress eased while he rested his cheek against mine.

"I'm apologize, I know I have quite the attitude. But it's just because I lo- care for you. I have to protect you and I know I'm doing a horrid job but I'm trying, I really am. You have to understand though I can't preform my duty if you don't let me help you."

"I don't know Luke. I have been hurt too many times now, that I don't even know what trust is anymore. What's the point anyway? Eventually you will have to leave me, then what? What's the point?"

"Then you will live your life. There's so much out there for you but you won't be able to experience it if you don't try to see past the sorrow." He twisted his fingers into mine. "I can help you Cayden, I can."

"That's what they all say. But everyone just makes it worse and that makes me worse."

"I can heal you." He mumbled while he vaguely rubbed my wrists. He knew.


"I can't tell you, I'll have to show you but only of you let me in. It's a drastic decision I know, but just think about it okay?"

"I-I'll try." I promised but it was most likely I was going to decline his request. Ever since my childhood, I learned to depend on myself and only myself and nothing has changed since.

"Should we get to study now? Your math test is tomorrow you know." He joked and I groaned.

"Wait." I sat up. "I forgot my backpack at Rylan's."

He wrapped his arms around my waist as he replaced my back against his chest. "You don't need to cram anyway, you are more then well prepared."

"And how would you know that?" I questioned, playing with his hand.

"I know everything sweetheart and it doesn't hurt that you had an amazing tutor."

"Where's that amazing tutor you speak of? I don't seem him anywhere." I joked?

He gasped in a fake manner, "I'm appalled. Would you rather have Lea be your tutor?"

"No." I shook my head multiple times, "No. I rather have a block of wood teach me. We would never be able to stand each other."

"You know she doesn't despise you." He fatuously enlightened me.

"She sure has a funny way of showing that she likes me then."

"Give her a chance, you don't see her on the inside. People can be so ignorant. You could just walk by someone in the street and never know they were having planning this day to be their final." He debated back.

I sighed, "Why do you always have to be right?"

He smirked, "It's a gift. Now are you hungry sweetheart? You haven't eaten all day."

My stomach grumbled loudly but I went against it, "No, I just want to go to bed."

"Cayden, it's barely 9:30."

"I know, I just want to sleep. It's been a long day and tomorrow's Friday, I have exciting plans."

"Oh?" Luke raised his eyebrows, "And what might those be?"

"Netflix and goldfish."

Luke shook and chuckled. "What?" I asked, "What's so funny?

"You're a work of art Cayden." He told me and I replied, "Well something in that work of art needs to be re detailed." I snuck under the cover of my bed, unwillingly to change due to tiredness.

Luke laid next to me, whispering in my ear before I laid imprisoned to my own dreams "Don't ever change sweetheart."

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