Epilogue Part Two: Selfish

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Luke's POV

My breath was taken away as I watched her petite figure slowly walk down the aisle.

Guests gasped as she passed by them, her beauty was radiating. Her smile , that beautiful smile that consumed my mind, glistened like the stars against the night.

She seemed so much happier, so much more a live. Pride swelled in my heart knowing I was a major part of who she is today. I watched her shy self blossom into pure confidence, something that attracted me to her even more. I never loved anyone like I still love her.

I found myself in awe as I watched her gorgeous blue eyes dance across the church as if she were searching for someone. My heart bested faster, hoping that someone was me. I couldn't read her mind anymore, that killed me yes, but I found happiness in the fact she was happy. Even if it was with someone else.

"I'll always love you too Luke." Her words replayed in mind. She didn't love me though, not the way I wanted to. Not anymore.

She cared, she cherished our memories. But not being able to see each other, to not feel each others skin; our love was bound to diminish.

She found love in someone else. My heart ripped at the thought. I will never know why it wasn't me up there with her. Why I wasn't the one sliding the ring on her finger, why I wasn't the one to kiss her at the end, why I wasn't the one giving her my last name.

Fare is cruel, absolutely cruel.

I wanted so many times, so many times to alter the future. There never was a day that went by that I thought about turning human again for her.

All the little moments we shared, our kisses, our touches, just the chemistry between us, I wanted it forever. But I couldn't be selfish and rip out her chance of experiencing this love. I would forever feel guilt of I knew I took away her happiness. I would never forgive myself.

I rather see myself in pain then to see the frown on her face. She was too stunning to ever be sad, I would never let her.

"I can't believe my little girl is getting married today."

"You done a really good job in raising her sir." I watched her step up to the podium, taking Ashton's hand. My heart reared again.

"It wasn't just me, it was all the people around her that helped. It really does take a village to raise a child. I just wish I could walk her up the aisle."

"She misses you know? The whole time I was with her, she told me all about you. You really have a special place in her heart."

"Thanks kid." Cayden's father placed his hand on my shoulder, "I owe you so much for helping my princess, without you I don't know what would have honestly happened to her."

I nodded, "I would do anything for her, anything at all."

I found myself smiling while I saw her laugh while Ashton read his vows. Just to see that smile, I would take a hundred heart breaks from her over and over again. She was worth it.

Suddenly a white light flashed as Calum and Mina stood right beside me.

"Calum, I told you not to do that anymore. We could have been caught by Olivia! What if she found out Harry was her angel huh?" Mina crossed her arms, annoyance was laced in her voice.

Calum groaned, "But we didn't get caught did we? Thank goodness, we stopped pretending to be a couple. I have no idea if I could take any minute of you any longer."

Mina put her hands to her hips, "News flash genius, we work together. We practically have to spend the rest of eternity to together!"

Calum hung his head down letting out a large sigh, "Why did I ever sign up to be in charge of any angels?"

"Because you thought the redhead was hot." I answered for remembering how he told me, that he thought Mina was nice on the eyes.

"Yeah but that was before I knew how much of a pain she is." Calum rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Excuse me? The 'pain' is right here you know?" Mina spat at him. If anyone could honestly see them, they would think the two were actually a married couple fighting.

"I wish Michael was still an angel so that why I wouldn't have to deal with you." Calum let out; the two were actually the head coordinators of the Guardian Angels, they made sure everything ran smoothly even though they were pretty dysfunctional themselves.

"I swear you make me want to retire already." Mina muttered, "By the way Luke, time is up. It's time to go." She but her lip, her hardened edges softened with the pity she was giving me.

They all knew how much I adored Cayden, how much I missed her after we had split.

That was the second to worse day of my life. The worst, of course was losing her the first time.

"Just give me a few more moments." I pleaded, savoring every last second I had to see her.

The two looked at each other and nodded. "Okay, but we can only really give you five minutes." Calum scratched the back of his neck, feeling sorry for me.

"It's all I need." I responded, it was lie though. If I had a choice, I would spend forever with this girl.

Once they vanished, Cayden's father turned toward me. It was strange how a like the two looked; same colored hair, same bone structure, same blue eyes.

"You know, it's not everyday you come across love." He spoke, keeping his gaze on his daughter as he watched
Ashton slip the ring on Cayden's finger.

"There's not a day that goes by that I wished I turned human back for her mother. I know how it feels Luke to watch the love of your life move on without you. It's one of the most heart breaking moments to experience in life but you know it doesn't have to be that way."

I watched her nervously slip on the ring on Ashton's finger.

I caught a glimpse of her hidden necklace. My ring to her, the only piece of evidence that our love ever existed. She kept it, after all this time she kept us.

My heart didn't break.

She still loved me.

"You know," her dad continued, "I wish that it was you up there was her."

And that's when I had enough.

I knew what I had to do.






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