Chapter Nine: He Can Turn Invisible

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Agitation is agruably one of the most underestimated emotions that humans possess.

When most people think of feelings they think of being happy, sad, mad; it's never nervous, concern, or content. The irony is we probably feel the underrated emotions more then the favored ones. For instance, the day of a test you never joyful or depressed about the test, you are worried; worried about the possible chance of terrible grade or concerned how this test will effect your future. Or when you are forced to attend a social event by yourself. You are never sad or happy, you might be slightly angered because of having to go, but you don't sincerely feel upset.

Instead you feel concerned about the probability you have to cast yourself out of your secluded shell and make friend and probably see a cute boy, who you are, then worried about making yourself a fool infront of him. But then you accidentally spill the red punch on your crisp, clean white shirt everything goes down hill from there. Or you could become content on not trying to impress the cute boy and just him watch from afar while you notice he enjoys soccer and the taste of a good hamburger.

But that's what you feel, you feel the undervalued emotion.

And that's what I felt, agitation, one of the belitted feelings.

My right knee constantly shook and my fingers trembled while my English teacher passed back essays.

Silly how one marking could affect a person so much, ridiculous even. But that's the education system nowadays, it did not matter how much you learn no, it about how much you could take before you break.

And here I was ready to break.

It's wasn't as if I was failing English; surprisingly it was the only subject I truly cared about, I even had a decent grade as proof. But because of my expectation and admiration for this subject I pushed myself to where my perfectionist side was revealed. And since this happened to be the most important essay of the semester, I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into every single word.

And due to my effort, my expectations were higher then ever and I would be crushed if they weren't met. Thoughts of failure and successful collided into a storm inside my brain. Although my worry was practically screaming, everywhere and everyone in the room was silent waiting for the bell to ring for break.

"Ms. Cayden." Mr. Stewart said at me as he passed my paper toward me. I practiced self control as I stopped myself from yanking it out of his hands.
He smiled at me but I could feel my knees ready to collapse right then and there.

I breathed in, and turned the paper. An A was circled in red along with a happy face. My worry was relinquished as a smile fabricated onto my face. The nights of endless coffee cups and re written sentences were all worth it.

Rylan must have noticed my grade as he quietly spoke, "Hey congratulations, you deserve it. You're an amazing writer after all, I should know I help peer edit all your papers." He smiled that flashy grin that could make girls swoon in seconds, "Maybe I could have some of your grade?"

Rylan was the type of popular who was always nice to everyone. With his spot as the star basketball player and the most handsome boy at school, he had every right to be a jerk. But he wasn't like his friends who mocked me all the time, in fact he was the nicest person to me. And he happened to be the person who could generate that feeling, the type only a could crush could bring, in me.

I chuckled, half meaning what I said next, "Wish I could help you with that."

"Maybe you can." A mischievous expression popped on his face with a gleam in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, after all Rylan has never asked anything from me before.

"Rylan, Cayden. I know you two are excited for the break but please remain quiet until the bell." Mr. Stewart stated resulting in every eye to focus in on us.

Including Luke, who didn't seem very please.

I sunk in my seat, despising the eyes focused on us. "Sorry." We both mumbled.

"Sorry about that." I mumbled to Rylan with my hand on my face, trying to hide all the embarrassment flashed on my face.

"Don't worry about it." He waved off, "Anyway, I didn't get such a hot grade on this paper and I know Mr. Stewart has re writes so maybe I was thinking after school today, you could come over and help me?"

"Um sur- sure." I stuttered. I didn't expect that at all.

"Great! I'll meet you at the parking lot and you can follow me to my house." The bell then went off and Rylan swung his backpack over his shoulder, "Thank you so much Cayden."

I nodded, "No problem."

Luke immediately came up to me, obviously eavesdropping on our conversation, "Cayden, you know your math test is soon. We have to study, you can't just forget your obligations."

"I know. I know, but we have been studying endlessly for the past week. Plus I'm just helping a friend out." I pointed out as Rylan waved me one last good bye before exiting the room.

Luke's eyes scrunched in annoyance, "I thought you didn't have any friends here."

That stung.

Although I always knew I didn't, it was never a good feeling to hear it from someone else.

I stood up, rushing to get away from Luke. He must of realized as he grabbed my arm. "Cayden, I'm s-"

I yanked my arm away, "No, I get what you meant. I do."


"And that's how I fell face down on the court." Rylan stuffed a gummy worm in his mouth while he smiled.

I giggled while butterflies started to swarm on my stomach, "I thought you were supposed to be the star player of the whole school?"

Right now, the two of us were nested onto his couch. Both of our legs were divided by a large bag of sour gummy worms. We had finished his essay a while ago and had just decided to talk with each other.

"State." He corrected in a proud manner.

I playfully rolled my eyes, "State."

"You know you are really pretty." Rylan said out of no where which caught me fully off guard.

Suddenly, my face was ten degrees hotter. "Thank you, but I'm not." I chewed on my last half of a green worm.

"Actually I think you are possibly the prettiest girl in the whole school." He complimented, almost making me choke.

Those butterflies tripled and I reached for another piece of candy as Rylan did the same. Our fingers touched and I tried to slip away but he interlocked them.

He crawled to my side as he gently load himself on top of me; his face dangerously close to my face.

"Want to know a secret." His cool breath hint my face and I couldn't think straight.

"Sure." I whispered taking in every feature of his.

"I always liked you." He slowly leaned in and right when out lips were about to touch, my eyes furrowed as I saw someone behind his shoulder.

He was leaning against a wall and he wore the most dejected expression. His hands were in a begging position as he pleaded, "Come home, please."

This couldn't be happening, my mind was playing tricks on me. But it seemed all to real as he begged again, "Please." His voice slightly cracking at the end.

"Luke?" I asked out loud, not sure what I was seeing.

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