Chapter Five: His Name is Luke

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The sound of the door opening allowed for the tapping of raindrops to invade the room.

It was a refresher from the monotonous voice of Mr. Garrick and the silence he received from the student, a typical Monday morning.

The clock seemed to moving even slower, while the atmosphere of the room was full of dread and desire to flee.

I sat, mindlessly doodling in my notebook in place of actual notes. In the future, I would regret this because notably, I was failing math. It's not like I was trying to fail but numbers was practically another language for me.

"Then you take x and subtrac- oh." Mr. Garrick's own stop writing on the board. He sets down the market and turns his attention toward whoever entered the room. "Everyone, we have  a new student. Please welcome Mr. um Lucas Hemmings."

"It's Luke, but hello everyone." My head shot up at that all too familiar voice.

This was impossible. Luke, my so called guardian angel Luke, who was supposed to be a mirage, was standing right in front of me, in front of everyone in plain sight.

This morning when I had woken up from the considerably best sleep of my life, the spot next to me was unoccupied. Spurts of joy enthralled me, I wasn't going insane but something inside me kind of was sad that the boy with blonde hair was only a figure in my dreams.

But maybe, I wasn't dreaming after all.

"You may take your seat next to Ms. Cayden." Mr. Garrick pointed at the empty spot on my left. I mentally cursed myself for choosing a spot that was a seat away from everyone else.

Gracefully, Luke sat down and the lesson drowned on with me continuing to draw and my mind racing that perhaps maybe, I would need to check myself in a mental facilitation right after school.

In the amidst in the debate between reality and fantasy, a crisp, folded paper glanced my way.

You aren't going mental. How many times do I have to tell you?

"Of course his handwriting is perfect too." My subconscious remarked, everything about this kid is perfect.

Luke rolled his eyes and wrote,
I'm not perfect. Perfection is a fictitious idea that is implanted in this generation's mindset.

Stop reading my mind, you're annoying you know that? I wrote back, slightly irked he still has access to my deepest thoughts.

Sometimes you're thoughts are too loud to even try to ignore.

"Luke." Both are heads ascended to a stern introspection from Mr. Garrick. He must have noticed that neither of us were paying attention to the board.

"What's the answer to the problem?"

Confidently Luke answered like he had been paying attention the whole time, "X equals five sir."

The teacher stared at him with surprise and repeatedly nodded, "That's correct."

With a sudden ding, class was thankfully over. Which meant it was time for second period, my favorite one of all.

In a rapid pace, I practically shoved my notebook and pencil case into my backpack as I rushed out of the classroom.

Surprisingly, Luke was able to keep up with my quick speed.
"Why are you so excited? We just have English next."

I shortened my gait. "We?" I asked in surprise.

"We." He repeated

Due to my lack of attention I managed to bump into "Un peppy" cheerleader causing me to almost lose my balance as she shoved me.

"Watch where you are going freak." She growled, pulling on the strap of her bright neon pink back pack.

Luke placed his hand on my shoulder to maintain my stability while at the same time glaring at her.

The cheerleader immediately flustered at the sight of him, oblivious to the fact he was displeased with her.

"Oh, um hi." Her words scrambled as she tried to preserve her once lost composure.

"Bye." Luke replied, ignoring her while he grabbed my hand and dragged me to our next period.

When we were at the door, Luke was still holding my hand.

"Um Luke?" I gestured to our enter locked hands, slightly uncomfortable at how nice his hand felt against mine.

"Oh sorry." He mumbled and let go. As he rubbed the back of his neck he asked, "Are you okay though?"

"I'm fine." But really I wasn't fine at all. Since switching public schools, the students here decide to take it upon themselves to mock me at any expense.

The phrase sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt is an utter lie. Words do hurt. They sting and reduce your mentality and confidence. Hurtful words are bruises that never fade, wounds that never heal. No matter how much you try to push back all those negative remarks, they will always be ingrained in the back of your mind.

"But you're not. Are you?" He whispered only loud enough for me to hear as students in a rush passed by us.

Instead of responding, I simply opened the door and stepped foot in the classroom.

I slumped into my chair in the near back of the room.

"Everything okay Cayden?"

I turned my head to see my seat partner, Rylan Thomas. His stormy blue eyes were making butterflies spread their wings in my stomach.

I sighed, "Just another Monday."

He nodded, "I know how you feel. How was your-"

"Hey Cayden, you dropped your pen." Luke, whose presence I was unaware of, stood before me and handed me a unknown pen.

"Thanks?" I told him taking the writing utensil.

The bell rang, leaving Luke to take a seat in front of me, next to the cheerleader who I had bumped in earlier.

"Everyone please take your seats." Mr. Garrick walked up to the front of the classroom. His tall frame forced respect but his kind eyes smiled as though he just won the lottery by being a teacher.

"Before we begin, I would just like to make a quick announcement. We have a new student and I want you to all make him welcome to our period two family." Mr. Garrick gestured for Luke to stand up. As he waved to the class, he flashed a confident smile that had some girls already swooned.

"Who is the new kid?" Rylan whispered to me as the Mr. Garrick started the daily grammar warmup.

"His name is Luke."

Guardian Angel \\ l.h.\\ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now