Chapter Thirty One: Miss

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It's your fault, my inner demon seethed, it's your fucking fault he left

I placed my head in my hands and heavily sighed. I wasn't crying only because a lady dressed in a red eighties typed dressed pulled her cart near me.

"Honey, would you like pretzels or peanuts?" She asked with a syrupy smile.

"No thanks." I mumbled, sniffling.

"Are you sure?" She placed a hand warmly on my shoulder, "You haven't eaten or drank anything in this whole flight dear."

I shook my head again, "Thank you but I'm just not hungry or thirsty."

The flight attendant pursed her lips, "Okay hun, if you are just tell me right away. We still have a little more ways to go."

I nodded allowing her to move on to the next passenger as the seat next to mine was empty.

The attendant was worried about me and I felt awful that I had caused another stress to be placed on her. She had worry about this plane full of persona and here I was, just another burden.

"Hello everyone this your captain speaking, we are arriving in New York in two hours." The intercom announced.

I was on a plane to visit my Uncle Dave for all of winter break. My bags were packed and waiting for me after school on the door step with a note telling me to call my uncle.

At first, I thought I was being kicked out and sent to live with him which I wouldn't have mind. But he explained that he had arranged for me to visit him instead.

I was pretty excited by the news and I couldn't wait to share it with Luke.
That was until I realized Luke was not with me.

But I still had hope though. I had hope he would magically appear when the cab arrived to take me to the airport.

But he didn't.

I had hope he would appear when I followed the tedious procedure of security.

But he didn't.

I had hope he would appear next to the seat of mine when I boarded.

But he didn't.

And now here I was in the middle of the flight, ready to break at any moment.

I re placed my head back in my hands, frustrated. It was my fault, I shouldn't have kissed him. Hell, I should have never even thought it. What was I thinking? He was my guardian angel after all.

I let out a very loud, expressed groan.

"Excuse miss?" I turned my head to the side to see the flight attendant, staring at me with worried eyes.

"Are you okay miss?" She asked, her stare showing me she really did care.

"I'm okay." I breathed, rubbing my eyes. The sky was dark and most passengers were asleep but I just couldn't, too much on my mind.

"You don't seem okay hun." She then decided to scoot to the chair next to mine.

"Now tell me what's really on your mind?" Now really obsessing her, the lady had sleek red hair, lime green eyes, and the reddest lips. She looked a bit older then me but not by much.

I sighed, seemingly as I did not have anyone else to confine my problems with. At times I wish my mother would be here with me, but she has to take care of herself first.

"Well there's this boy..." I began and for the next two hours, I told her about the boy with mesmerizing blue eyes and tall blonde quiff. I told her about the boy that unexpectedly turned everything upside down. I told her about the boy who was slowly invading my thoughts; I told her about his addicting laugh, his beautiful smile, I told her absolutely everything.

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