Chapter Fifteen: Sick

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"Happy Halloween!" Luke jumped with joy on to my bed. The cheap mattress wobbled and creaked due to the extra weight.

"Shut up Luke." I moaned into my pillow, my throat tremendously hurting. My stomach felt as if was turned inside and out and my brain felt as it was in knots.

Luke laid next to me, his head propped on his elbow. "You don't sound so well Cayden."

I glared at him while he gently positioned his hand against my forehead. He lightly laughed, "Even when you have a fever, you're still the same."

"No really?" I sarcastically remarked and re stuffed my face back into my comfort zone. My throat throbbing with every word.

I knew that we were avoiding the white elephant in the room, after all, we almost kissed last night. Everything was in line for one of those cliche movie kisses; the moment was considerably perfect but we didn't.

Stupid thunder.

Wait did I just say I want to kiss him? Luke, my guardian angel of all people? There is no way I could be developing any feelings for him, it just wasn't possible.

He was mythical and no matter how much he seemed so real, he was just wasn't real.

As these thoughts crossed my mind I felt my cold body was met with a warm one, as he gently wrapped his arms around me. My face breathing in his scent, the one I could never get tired of.

"I'm human." He mumbled into my hair, which probably smelled of dampened rain.

My body stiffened at his words; he was reading my thoughts. Without a doubt, he knew about my secret want to actually kiss him and I didn't know if I wanted to hide or run away.

His finger stroked my hair, "Just because I'm an angel, doesn't mean I'm not human. Angels are human, we are just granted a few things to help us with our assignments."

"So I'm just an assignment to you?" I asked, attempting to sound bitter but the crack of my voice wasn't aiding my cause. I didn't mean to sound so harsh, but being just an assignment feel as though he's here because he has to be and once he's done he's going to toss me in the trash and forget about me, just like the rest of them.

"No sweetheart, you're never just an assignment to me." He continued to play with my hair. "

You're so much more." He quietly said under my breath, almost as if he didn't want me to hear that.

My stomach was in knots and I don't think it was because of my illness.

"Luke?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Rub my tummy?"


I trudged down the silent hall. Luke's hands were cautiously around my waist in case I collapse from dizziness. I was purely exhausted even after my five hour nap.

Clearly from the dim light, it was mid afternoon but no one was in the house besides us.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, indicating my step mother and step sister.

"They went to a dinner party." Luke uncomfortably informed me.

"Figures they would." What did I even expect? For them to take care of me? To actually care for me for once?

At times like this, I honestly missed my dad. Whenever I was sick, he would always cook up his famous chicken noodle soup and bring me plenty cups of tea and honey. He would later wrap me up in tons and tons of blankets until I was practically dying of heat stroke and he would always check up on me. These gestures were small but now looking back, they were the best, most heart breaking things because they were gone forever.

"Would you like anything to eat?" Luke carefully out a pillow under my head and a blanket over my cold body.

"No, I lost my appetite." Which was partially true but also in the most twisted way, I liked being sick because it meant I had an excuse to not eat. My thighs didn't look as chubby, my stomach was still flat and I didn't feel heavy.

"Cayden." Luke scolded, "You haven't eaten all day. You need fluid or something for your body."

"No, I'm fine. I just want to rest." I moved my head into a comfortable position but Luke wasn't having it.

"You can sleep once you eat something. Now what do you want or do I have to surprise you?"

I didn't reply and he frustratedly sighed, "You know it's okay to eat. You need food to stay alive sweetheart."

"I'm not hungry." I murmured, closing my eyes.

"You are so stubborn you know?" When he was meet with silence, I heard his feet pad to the kitchen.

Within a few minutes, a mouth watering smell lingered through the air. My stomach rumbled and suddenly I was back into my old house. A thermometer was placed in my mouth while a large hand placed a white bowl of steaming soup on the coffee table.

"I made you some soup sweetie."'His gruff voice greeted me as his blue eyes scanned my seven year old ones.

"Aw, my baby girl has a high fever. Look's like we have to tell mommy we have to skip school and eat a tube of ice cream."

My face perked up, "Thanks da-"

"Cayden?" I snapped out of my daydream.

Luke was peering over me, his face showing some concern.

"Sorry." I apologized, "What did you say?"

"I made you some soup sweetheart."

Next chapter is much better, I'm sorry for this :/

Guardian Angel \\ l.h.\\ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now