Part 85

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Liam's PoV

I woke up with a terrible head ache

"Theo" I called out

"Hey baby" Theo said holding my hand

"My head hurts badly" I whined

"I know" he kissed my forehead

"What happened"

"You evolved"

"What" my eyes widened

"Deaton told me I need to teach you it won't hurt it's like a split second and your a wolf"

"O-Okay wait the kids!" I panicked

"Don't worry Asher is with stiles and Derek and Lori and Isabelle are with Lydia and Malia"

I sighted of relief sitting up

"Come on then teach me"

"You sure"

I nodded taking his hand running into the woods

"Ok then, you have to breathe let your inner wolf out and let yourself fall" he said taking his clothes off then pointing at mine

"W-Why the clothes"I said blushing

"Liam I've seen you naked multiple times and if you don't want to rip your clothes you might want to take them off"

I nodded and began taking my clothes off

Theo walked closer to me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Ready" he connected our lips together

The kiss was soft and short

He pulled away from me standing I front of me so I could see what he was doing

He closed his eyes turning into his wolf form

"Woah" I said Running my hand through his black fur

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"Woah" I said Running my hand through his black fur

He nodded stepping back

"Okay here goes" I said as he sat down

I shut my eyes letting my inner wolf take control

I let myself fall now in my wolf form

Theo walked up to me putting our noses together

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Theo walked up to me putting our noses together

"Well done" I heard his voice in my head

"Mate connection" he chuckled

"You just think in your head and I'll hear you doesn't matter how far away we are"

"So I could be on the other side of the world and I could still hear you" I asked

He nodded

"Follow me"

He began running with me behind him

He stopped at a Beautiful waterfall

He stopped at a Beautiful waterfall

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"Woah" I said in amazement

He chuckled carefully getting in the water

"Coming in"

I nodded carefully getting in

"It's shallow don't worry" 

We began walking down the stones

"Baby what should we do now"

"Can we go to Scott's house"

"Of course we can surprise him"

I mentally smiled as we ran out the woods and to Scott's house

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