Part 27

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Still Liam's POV

"W-What" Theo eyes winded

"It's okay I-I know y-you don't won't want to be with anymore I understand
I can leave you alone" Theo pulled me into a soft kiss

"Baby i would never want to to leave me and I'd do anything to help you and this baby but I just do t understand how this is possible"

"Deaton told me that Betas can become pregnant by a supernatual doesn't matter the gender"

Theo pulled me into a warm hug

"We will get through this together I love you Li"

"I love you too T"

"Now come on let's go back"
"Do you think it is a good idea to tell scott"

"Yeah he's your Alpha You need to"

"I-I know I'm just scared what if he kicks me out of the pack what if he-"

"He won't Liam I'll be with you the whole time."

Our hands intertwine as we walk back .

"Liam Theo you guys alright"
"Y-Yeah Scott we need to talk "
"Yeah sure come on up "

After Theo and Liam told Scott and Lydia


"Yep little puppy in here" theo chuckled

"Speaking of that Scott I can't help fight hunters and Theo your pain won't affect the baby unless you get like badly hurt near your stomach"

Theo and Scott nodded
"I'll be careful I promise"

About 3 hours later

Everyone was drunk but me,Theo and Scott

"Liam you okay" scott asked me as he saw he covering my nose

"Y-Yeah just my Senses are all over the place I can smell Alcohol and it just makes me wanna Throw up" I gaged

"Come on let's go outside then" he chuckled. I grab his arm making him stop

"Scott how do I tell my parents about me and supernatual." He day next to me and held my hand

"How about we go tell them right now." He smiled

"Sure let's go"

We hop in Scott's car and began driving

"Liam this car reeks of your's gonna be okay I'm here."

"I'm worried they will kick me out and think of me as abomination"

"Aww Liam don't think like that it's okay"

He stopped the car and parked outside my house.

We got out of the car and I opened the front door revealing my parents

"OMG LIAM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" my mother ran and hugged me

LIAM DUNBAR YOUR IN SO MUCH TROUBLE YOU HAVEN'T BEEN HOME FOR 6 HOURS AND NO PHONE CALL" my father Screamed me about to hit me after Scott grabs his arm stoping him.

"It's my fault my boyfriend and I set a party to celebrate our engagement."

"Oh I'm sorry"  my mother apologised

" mom dad do you believe in the supernatual like werewolves?" I asked getting straight to the subject

"What no son that's all myths" my step dad began laughing

"Well what if I told you if not all myths." Now they both were laughing

"Son that's insane"

"Um no he's telling the truth I'm a True Alpha wolf and I turned your son to help him Survive." Scott glowed his red eyes at me making my eyes go it's golden colour

"oh my god!" My mom back away from me
"What is this Liam"

"I-I-I'm a b-beta wolf and this is my Alpha,Theo is what you call a Chimera half human have Werewolf/ werecoyote he was an science experiment from the dread doctors."

"Liam that's not all tell them"Scott look at my belly

"O-ok so When a Beta never became and Alpha they can get pregnant by another supernatual doesn't matter the gender of the beta. M-Me and Theo are h-have a-a b-baby"I stared at my feet scared to look at their faces

"W-What you...y- OH MY GOD" my mother whispers into a yell

"I'm so sorry this happened Li" my step dad walked closer to me making me step away

"What why are you sorry this happened? I'd be happy to be a father with Theo and be a way better one then you ever were to me" I stormed out


"No Scott just take me to Theo please"
"Y-Yeah let go"

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