Part 76

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My eyes widened; I was shocked

"W-what" I stuttered

"Deaton help me get them out"

Deaton rushed over there and I was still in shock

"Ok first one is out!" Malissa yelled out carrying the silent baby

"Second is out"Deaton did the same thing but with a crying baby

"Come on" i here Malissa whisper

"What wrong" I ran up to her

"S-SHES NOT B-BREATHING!" She held back a sob

More nurses came rushing over trying to get the baby breathing

"Theo come here" Deaton called me

I walked over to him tears staining my face

"Look here is your first baby daughter and now we pray and hope the second one makes it" he handed me my daughter

"She's beautiful" I smiled

"I'm calling it!" I heard Malissa sigh

"I'm so sorry Theo"She sighted again as the doctor covered the stillborn taking her out of the room.

"N-no" I whispered

"What about Liam is he okay" I panicked

"He's fine the stitches should start healing very soon"

I nodded looking down at my sleeping daughter

"I'm so sorry we lost your twin sister but you will have the best life ever with a big brother out to protect you" I softly smiled kissing her on her head

"Theo look" Deaton pointed at her hands

"Her claws are growing" I smiled again

I got my claws out gently placing hers on mine.

"I love you babygirl"

"Sir we are taking Mr Dunbar to the recovery room"a nurse told her taking him out

"And we need to double check everything is ok with her"Malissa carefully carried my daughter to another room

"Go to Liam when he wakes up tell him"

I sighed looking at the vet next to me

"Ok"I whispered softly
"Thank you"


I'm sorry this is a sad chapter

Also I'm stuck on baby names for the daughter so if you can comment some names

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