Part 48

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I I smiled Wide and hugged my boyfriend with Asher in the middle.

"Come on let's sit"

We both sit and Theo opened the picnic Basket

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We both sit and Theo opened the picnic Basket.

He opened A bag and got Little Chicken balls and Fed me a couple then Ate some himself.

I reached or in the Basket and pulled out some baby food Then began feeding the Fully energetic baby.

After a while Asher fell asleep and Theo looked really nervous

"Theo what's Wrong you look scared"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine" he Leaned closer to me and Pulled me in a long Passionate kiss

I pulled away Laughing

"What was that for"

"Confidence for what I'm going to do"

He stood up and pulled a little box out of his pocket

I gasped as he got on one knee

"Liam Dunbar You made me feel alive helped me through darkness and Gave me a Beautiful Child, I love you Liam so much." He Smiled With Tears running down his face.

"Will you Liam Dunbar Do me the honour and marry me" he opened the Box revealing a beautiful ring

(A/n: you can pick the ring)

(A/n: you can pick the ring)

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I had a bunch of tears down my face and I Bent down And cupped his face

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I had a bunch of tears down my face and I Bent down And cupped his face

"Of course I will My answer is Yes" I smiled and Smashed my lips on his

We both pulled away panting

He Held my finger out and Slid the ring on.

I Chuckled and Kissed him again.

Suddenly we heard little Claps comping from behind us.

Asher was smiling and clapping

We both Chuckled And Ran up to him and Theo Picked him up

"Did you enjoy that baby" Theo Tickled his chin

"H-Hap" he Attempted to say Happy which made me and Theo Laugh

"Happy" Theo Slowly said

"H-Happ" I smiled at his attempt and he tried again.

"H-happy Happy" he Screamed Began jumping in Theo's arms (a/n: if that makes sense)

Me and Theo Stated at each other mouth open
"HAPPY HAPPY" he repeated And Began hitting/tapping my Arm 

"His first word" Theo giggled

I smiled and my Fiancé and Our Little child in his arms.

Asher giggles and Leaned towards me wanting me to pick him up.
I picked on up and he giggled

"Aww my perfect little family" Theo still has tears down his face from happiness and He connected our lips

I smiled through the kiss but then pulled away

"God our life is perfect" i grinned

"It sure in hell is"

"Come on let's lay down it's night and the stars are up" he Held my hand a went over to the blanket

We led down and I snuggled against Theo's chest with Asher asleep In between our legs.

"Thank you T for making my life perfect" I whispered against his chest.

"Thank you too baby For walking inTo my life, I remember We we're walking on the beach and Malia pissed you off then you lost control that's when I knew I loved you" theo Kissed the top of my head.

My eyes Got Heavy and I fell asleep on my lovers chest.


My heart while writing was like 💓💗💓💗💖💕💓💓💗💗

Anyway Bye bye ILYSM 💗❤️❤️

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