Part 33

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Theo's PoV

I woke up with a terrible headache and saw Liam in front on me All dressed

"Finally your up how you feeling"
"Not fell" I rubbed my eyes making them go red
"You were pretty drunk last night."
"I'm still a bit tipsy" I said Spreading my self on the bed

"I'm going to deaton so stay here alright Get some rest"

"Wait I said I'd go with you let me come"

"Okay be quick"

I nodded and got a quick shower then getting in a grey shirt and black Joggers.

I was completely sober but Liam still drove.

We finally pulled up at deatons And Walked in holding hands

"Hello Liam And Theo come in"

Liam smiled and Pulled me into the room.

"Alright Liam this Scan I can tell you the gender" Liam Smiled And My face lit up."Really!" Deaton chuckled and nodded as he lifted Liam's Shirt up Rubbing some he'll on it then moving this scan thingy.

"Ok so I can see his arms are fully developed and legs" my eyes winded

"HIM" I accidentally screamed

"Yes congratulations you are having a baby boy" Deaton gave me a photo of my son.

"I'm confused what's what here" I showed Deaton the picture and I heard a Laugh coming from Liam.

"I'm confused what's what here" I showed Deaton the picture and I heard a Laugh coming from Liam

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"That's the arms and That's his Head" he pointed At things on the photo

"It feels more real now." Liam came up to both of us after wiping the jell off of him.

"It really does" I Gave him a quick Kiss on his lips "thank you Deaton" Liam Thanked him and Held my hand and walked back to the car.

"The pack is gonna be so Happy" He screamed from happiness.
"Their really are"

"I love you Theo thank you soo much for giving me the best life ever"

"I love you too baby"

I held his face up giving him a soft but passionate kiss.

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