Part 2

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Theo's POV

Me and Liam knock on Lydia's door and Malia answered it

I hear a low growl coming from the
Female teen

"Malia let them in" I hear Lydia tell her gf

"Hey Lydia" I Say giving her a hug

Liam and Lydia were my only good friends

"Liam Theo you made it" Liam's Alpha hugged us both

What is happening why does Scott suddenly trust me

"Theo come with me I need to talk to you" Scott's calls he to the garden so the wolves and coyotes couldn't hear.


"Theo do you like Liam"
"He's my best friend of course"
"I see the way you look at him."
"Why do you even care you never liked or trusted me...why now"
"Because I want the best for him and you. Theo your a part of this pack"

I looked at him shocked, 'did he just say I'm a part of the pack'

"Yes Theo we all agreed on it yesterday well not Malia but she will get used to it" he laughed

"I-I I mean are you sure I've done horrible thing in the past I mean I killed you literally."

"Everyone done thing bad Theo Malia killed her family, Lydia killed Valeck in eichen house, stiles killed Donovan. Everyone makes mistakes Theo." Scott told me

"Thank you it means a lot to me and to answer your question before i don't know what I'm feeling for Liam it's all confusing for me"

"Well I'll help you call me if you need anything"

"I will"

Scott walked towards me and hugged me. I smiled realising I'm not a lone wolf anymore

Back I'm the house

"Hey guys there's mason and Corey making drinks in the back so o shouldn't be to long." Lydia came up to us smiling.

I see Liam sat on the bench on his phone alone.

"What you doing all alone?" I asked him and he looked up and smiled

"Just scrolling through insta"

I smirk as I saw two claimable trees "come on let's have some fun. see those two trees rase you to the top" I smirk again as I saw Liam look dead in the eye and ran to the tree

"Okay then"

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