Part 5

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Liam's POV

I wake up still in Theo's arms. I smiled and dug my head in his chest making him smile in his sleep.

2 hours later

I woke up again feeling cold and I realised Theo wasn't there anymore
"Looking for me baby wolf" i jumped from fear and screamed
He laughed and sat next to me

"You have school in about 10 minutes"
"WHAT" I look at my clock and saw he was right
I quickly get dressed and met Theo in the car. Theo graduated from school so he's not gonna be there.
"Theo before I go in I just wanna ask something"
"Sure what is it"
"What are we like relationship stuff"
"Whatever you want us to be"
"Well I want to be with you for as long as I can... I love you Theo"
"I love you too baby" he softly smiles and kissed my cheek
"No go before  your late I'll pick you up okay" I just nod and ran in the building

As usual people stare at me like I'm sort of monster about to kill everyone.
I walk to my locker and saw Hayden smiling at me

"Hey Liam" she smiled wider and closed her locker
"Hey Hayden wanna walk to AP biology together?"
"I thought you hated Ap biology" she laughed
She's not wrong I hate it like what's the point of it
"I know"

After class

I walk out and saw Gabe and Nolan standing there wait for me

"Hey wolfie where you going"

He pushed me on the floor
"What the hell" I screamed

Gabe started punching me uncontrollably, I let him I was too weak to stop him
"HEY HEY GABE STOP" I hear Corey shout and trying to get through. It people stop him

I see my Ap biology teacher walk in looking terrified
"Are you going to stop them"Mason yelled at her  
"It's better if they just work things out" she ran out and I rolled my eyes
"you shouldn't have this much power liam" I see Nolan drop some  yellow wolfsbane on a lacrosse stick.
My eyes widened when I felt him stab me in the stomach with it.

"Omg Liam I'm gonna pull the stick out okay" coach told me and I just nodded shutting my eyes as he pulled it out and gritted my teeth from the pain "what's is this yellow stuff?"he asked and I pretended like I didn't know 
"I-I-I don't know"
"Okay you two mason and Corey take him to the nurse no no take him to the hospital"
They both nodded and carried me out

Theo's POV

I was in the school car park waiting for Liam to come out.

I watch the door and saw mason and Corey carrying Liam

I run over to them and saw Liam with a stab wound with yellow  wolfsbane

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED" I yelled taking Liam out of their hands and putting him in the back seat of my car

"Gabe and Nolan happened" Corey tells me

I feel my anger kicking in I get my claws out and started growling and glowing eyes.

"Theo Theo stop what you doings."mason started panicking

"Finding Gabe and Noan and I'm gonna kill them" I saw like it's a causal thing

"Theo it's okay just get me to Scott he knows what to do" Liam says weekly

"Okay baby just stay put alright."

I started the car and Liam was in the back seat with mason and Corey was sat in the front with me

We pull up to Scott's house and I run to his door and started knocked aka Banging on the door

"Theo you okay what's up" I could tell he just woke up

"LiamgotinafightinschoolwithGabeandNolanandGabestabbedhimwithawolfsbanething!"i panicked and said I bit to fact but I think Scott knew what I said because he ran to my car getting liam out

"Deaton NOW"

We ran to the animal clinic well I had liam on my back

"Scott how may I help"
"Liams hurt badly"
I carry liam to the back room and carefully placed him on the metal table liam groaned
"Sorry love" I held his hand and Deaton started burning the wolfsbane out. The place was filled with Liam's screams and I shut my eyes as a tear dropped down my face.

The screams stopped and I saw Liam passed out on the table

"Baby I'm so sorry this happened" I hold his hand and let the tears fall
"We'll leave to guys alone"Scott says telling Deaton mason and Corey to leave me and Liam alone

I stare at his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful when sleeping.
I grab a chair and sat next to him still holding his hand and slowly started falling asleep

Helllooo so a long chapter

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