Part 50

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"Liam I'm so sorry for you losts"Sheriff took the pictures from me.

I shook my head and ran out

I kept running not caring were I ended up.

I finally stopped and Ended up in the woods.

"GAHHH" I screamed while crying and punching a tree which made my hands bloody

"NO WHY" I fell on my knees sobbing my heart out

"dad I'm so sorry I was horrible to you, Mom You were amazing I'm so sorry this happened" I whispered to myself

"I will find who did this and I will kill them I don't care what it does the the colour of my eyes" I Carried on crying

"You were supposed to live and see Asher grow up,See me when I get married" I laughed from sadness

"You didn't deserve this"

Theo's PoV

Liam ran out,

I went to follow him but was stopped by mason.

"Let him" he has tears down his face

So did I

Yes Liam's step dad was horrible and A bitch but he was Liam Father nothing supernatual.

Everyone left it was just me, stiles and his dad left

"I feel so bad for Liam hes lost so much he's still a kid" stiles Explained with Asher still in his hands

"Theo you okay"

I shook my head
"Look after Asher i need to Find Liam" I whipped my tears and ran out.

I searched for his sent then finally found it.

I followed it and it led me in the woods.

"Liam are you here" I suddenly hear Loud Sobs Coming from behind a tree

"Oh baby" I ran up to the tree and saw Liam with his head in his lap completely sobbing.

I felt Tears forming in my eyes as I bent down to his level but giving up and fully sat on the Floor

"Come here" I pulled him in my embrace letting him cry on my chest.

"I-I didn't get to say goodbye" he stuttered

"My last memory of them was us fighting...god I'm the worst son ever" his words were very shaky

"Don't say that baby you didn't know" Now warm tears were rolling down my face.

"Come on let's go home stiles has Asher okay" he nodded and I took his hand in mine.

We both stood up and began walking out of the woods.

"What do you think killed them" he suddenly asked
"Let's not talk about that"

He weakly smiled.

After awhile we arrived at home

We walked inside and Liam Jumped on the couch.

"I'm gonna take a shower okay" I was about to walk to the bathroom but was stopped by yelling

"NO NOT ALONE!" Liam came running to me.

"Me I need a distraction from my parents death so I'm joining okay" he smiled trying to keep his tears in.

"I don't have a choice do I"

He shook his head smiling still

I playfully rolled my eyes as he pulled me to the the shower.

We both get undressed and I turned the shower on.

I smirked as he Stepped in the shower waiting for me.

I Jumped in next to him and he giggled.

"God your giggle is everything to me" I connected our lips which made him moan.

Liam's PoV

Once our lips met I moaned by accident
which made him chuckle.

I opened my mouth as we both fought for Dominance which like always He won.

He explored every corner of my mouth while water Dripped down our Body.

I pulled away staring in his beautiful eyes.

"We really should shower" I grabbed the Shampoo

He smiled and took the shampoo from me and began rubbing it in my hair.

After shower

We got out of the shower with towels around our Waists.

We both walked out and Into our bedroom.

I quickly messaged Stiles To ask if Asher could stay the night with him and he replied with a 'Of course'

We both led on the bed not carrying about getting dressed.

"Baby are you really okay" my head was on with chest.

"Yeah" I was Quietly sobbing

"No you not...Hey look at me" he lifted my chin and kissed my tears away.

"Don't cry okay I don't like seeing you cry" he Sadly Smiled at me

"I can't help it" I chocked on a sob

I rested back on His chest trying to sleep

"I love you Li no matter what okay" he kissed my head

"I love you too Theo No one can ever take you away from me"

Sorry this chapter was Late

Also I have no idea to what to do for the next chapter so if you can please Comment some ideas. I'll also Tag everyone who gave a idea

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