Part 68

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Liam's PoV

I woke up With Theo cuddling me.

"Theo" I Poked his cheek

"Hmm"  He Whined and rolled us over so he was led on me

"Come on we need to get up" I giggled

"5 more minutes" he pouted

"Fine 5 minutes because then we need to pick Asher up" I kissed the top of his head

10 minutes later

"THEOOO WAKE UP" I yelled and  smirked

"Hmm why you screaming" he mumbled

"Get up! I said 5 minutes it's been 10"

He got up facing me with his eyes still closed

"Fine,Fine" he Groaned and Stood up finally opening his eyes.

"Get ready I've been Dressed for ages now" I chuckled

He raised his eye brows going towards me Lifting my chin up

"Beauty" he whispered and gently Pressed his lips on mine

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck
After about 4 minutes I pulled away

"Now Asher" I smiled

He nodded and quickly ran to the bathroom

After a while Theo came out with just a towel

I looked over at him not realising Ive been staring

"You like what you see baby" he smirked

"Oooo very much" I grinned and ran my fingers across his abs.

He chuckled and lifted my chin up so I was facing him.

"Now I have to get dressed" he whispered and Moved away.

He went over the the closet picking out some clothes

30 minutes later

After Theo was ready we hopped in the car driving to Stiles's house

"DADA PAPA" Asher giggles and ran to us hugging our legs

"Hiya baby has Uncle Stiles been treating you nicely" I asked

"Yes very and Grandpa Noah(the sheriff) showed me how to fight" he lifted his hands up putting them in firsts playfully hitting me.

I chuckled and patted his head.

"Dada up up" he Made grabby hands

Theo Smiled And Picked the giggly child up

"Thank you stiles"

"No problem" he smiled

I smiled back and me and my family left the house Driving back to ours


"Of course baby how about you go pick"Theo Smiled

Ashers eyes lit up and ran to the DVD stand.

"I'll go get some popcorn" I Smiled And Ran into the kitchen Grabbing some popcorn.

After I was done I ran back to the living room seeing Theo and Asher sat on the couch

"Hey baby"Theo Smiled

I smiled back and Walked over handing the bowl to Asher, Who Quickly grabbed it making me Chuckle.

"Alright let's watch" he Snuggled into Theo and Asher Jumped in the small space between us cuddling us.

Another soft chapter🥺


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