Part 77

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Malissa's PoV

I was in the surgery room still trying to get the baby's heart beating.

"Come on!" I grunted

"Please come i chocked on a cry

I looked on the monitor seeing small breathing

"Yes yes yes!!" I smiled wide

I glanced over again seeing the baby was fully breathing and crying

"YES OMG!!" I smiled and cleaned her off wrapping her up in a purple blanket

Liam's PoV

I woke up on a hospital bed and sat up groaning

"T" I called out

"Liam" I got a reply

"What happened"

"The baby's are here" he laughed

"Wait wait wait baby's plural"

"We had twins but"

"But what" I interrupted scared on his answer

"I"He stuttered

"Liam and Theo I may show you your two beautiful daughters" Malissa smiles walking in with two small beds

"But I-" Theo stuttered again

"I got her breathing and cleaned them both up" she giggled

Theo's eyes lit up as he walked over to the twins carefully picking one up placing her in my arms

"She's the older one"
(The older one is the one that wasn't breathing)

"And this is the youngest"
Theo gently picked her us holding her in his arms

"Their so cute" I giggled

"I'll let you to have some time"

Once she left Theo say on my bed smiling

"What about names"I asked

"I was thinking like a Isabelle or a Isabella"

"Isabelle Raeken that's so adorable" I giggled looking down at my older twin daughter"

"What about Lori as a reminder of Brett and Lori" I asked

"That's perfect"

"Lori Raeken and Isabelle Raeken" I smiled

He chuckled kissing my lips softly.

"I love you"

"I love you too my little wolf"

ShoutOuts to people who commented names

ShoutOuts to people who commented names

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