Part 61

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I woke up by A loud scream

"DADA PAPA WHERE ARE YOU PLEASE" Asher was screaming and crying

Me and Theo jumped out of our bed and Ran to our sons room

"Baby what happened" Theo asked

"H-hurts" he pointed at a half Healed wound

"It will heal soon baby okay come sleep in mine and Dadas bed" i Smiled as the Child forgot about the pain and ran to our room

"It's healing fast" I smiled proudly

"Well Duh He's half werewolf,half werecoyote, half human and Half Chimera" Theo Giggled

"Damn he's a lot of things" I chuckled

Theo Smiled And Intertwined our hands walking back to our room.

I woke again but this time not by Asher or Theo.

They were both sound asleep but I heard Quite footsteps from downstairs.

I constrainting on my heard and once I was using my werewolf hearing I heard

'Kate is going to be so proud when we bring her the Half baby chimera'

'I know right like we are going to be so rich'

I rolled my eyes and slowly tip toed down the stairs

My eyes were glowing,Fangs out and my Claws were out.

"Who are you" I growled

"Oh look the beta with I.E.D" one of the people smirked

"Really thats How people remember me" I pouted


I smirked catching them both off guard.

I ran at them flinging one to a wall making him Pass out.


"Why did kate send you"

"I-I Can't s-say" He was stepping away from me.

"Liam" I turned around seeing Theo

"Hi bae" I innocently smiled

He chuckled and walk up to me.

He hit the top of the Mans head making him fall unconsciously.

"Damn badass" I fangirled

He giggled

"What even happened"

"So basically two guys come in saying the want Asher for kate ,so they can get rich.I came down scared them and now we have two unconscious men in our kitchen"I smiled

He stared at me dumbfounded
"Oh wow"

I giggled and grabbed my phone

"Probably should Call Scott telling him about these men"i types Scott's number in and told him to come to my house

15 minutes later

The door burst open and a Shocked Scott and Issac Burst In.

"What is this" Issac Burst our of Laugher pointing at the two men Passed out tied up to chairs.

Scott Playfully hit is Fiancé

"What happened"

I explained Everything and Issac was trying so hard to not laugh

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