Part 22

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Liam's POV

It's been about 5 days since me and Theo found out we were mates and the pack was having a party.
Scott mixed wolfsbane in all of the alcohol so the wolf's can get drunk .

I grabbed two beers with wolfsbane in them and handed one to Theo.

Issac Put the music on And took Scott to the living and began dancing followed my Lydia and malia

"You want to dance Liam" Theo reaches his hand out waiting for me to grab it which was exactly what I did
"Of course"

The music was slow and we all were a bit tipsy.
He slid his hands around my waist and began kissing my lips

I opened my mouth slightly allowing him to slip his tongue inside.

I moaned and pulled away smiling

"Another beer or some vodka shots"I smirked when he raised his left eyebrow. I pulled him to the kitchen getting the vodka out.

Theo got the shot glasses and put the wolfsbane in

"Let's begin"

30 minutes later

We where all drunk as hell mostly me and malia

"Woah Liam" Theo giggled and pulled me into the guest room.

I jumped on him and attacked his lips with a very passionate kiss

He pushed me on the bed hovering over me. He ripped my shirt off and I did the same to his.

He started kissing my neck and I moaned

He took my jeans of then my boxers leaving me completely naked

3rd person

Theo began unbuckling his belt throwing it across the room.

After they were both naked Theo switched their positions making Liam on top

Liam went down to Theo dick and licked the top and pre cum
"L-Liam"the chimera moaned when the younger began bobbing his head, swirling his tounge
"Ah yes baby just like that" Theo moaned in pleasure Liam sped up his movements in.

"Aah Liam I'm gonna-"

Liam took it out of his mouth and let Theo take control.

He started kissing the younger neck making him moan.


Theo kisses down Liam's Body leaving hickeys.

"Baby I don't have any protections"

"Then let's just have some fun then" Liam giggles and pulled Theo into a deep kiss wrapping his arms around his neck.

Theo pulled away and fell next to his lover.

The began spooning Theo the big spoon Liam the little spoon

Hi guys sorry about this terrible chapter I made it at 4 in the morning

Also should I put menpreg in this or not.

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