part 100

160 4 1

no one's pov

theo and lydia walked into the hall looking very confused

"they will attack us though" lydia panicked

"no they won't you both are their anchors"

"lydia your a banshee use that to your advantage, and theo just defend yourself. that's only if they attack"

theo sighed before pulling scott out the room

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" scott shouted

"being the bate" theo smirked before taking lydia's hand and stepping in the box

theos pov

'shit shit shit dumb move theo, dumbass move'

liam swing for me but i caught his arm before he made contact

"lydia scream"

lydia nodded stepping out from the corner malia cornered her in

"cover you ears"

i covered my ears, the loudest scream i've heard from lydia made the coyote and wolf back in the corners of the room

i slowly walked towards liam as lydia did the same to malia

"baby" i lifted him chin up just to be treated by a growl

i sadly smiled and carefully placed my lips onto his

his fangs nipped my lip making it bleed but i slowly felt the fangs disappear

"t-theo" he stuttered looking me in the eyes

"sh sh sh it's okay your back" i pulled him to my embrace rocking back and forth

"where's asher?"

"he's safe"

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