Part 79

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Liam's PoV

It's been 2 weeks since the girls were born

Isabelle is the oldest one
Lori is the younger one
Asher is now 3

"Asher the girls are asleep it's bed time"Theo told our son

I was still recovering my werewolf healing was going very slow

"Okay goodnight dada, goodnight papa"

Asher ran out of our room and into his own

"How's the healing going"

"It's alright still hurts through"I pouted

He chuckled and leaned over gently placing his soft lips on mine

"Alright im tired!!" I pouted

"Ok I'll just go get baby bottles for the girls"
I nodded and Theo left

I smiled and kissed my daughters foreheads

"I'm back Hey hey lay back down"Theo panicked

"I'm ok T I'm just going to check up on ash"

He whispered a little okay and I stumbled out of our room

"Asher you okay" I knocked on my sons door

"PAPA!"I heard a giggle

I smiled and opened the door reviling Asher sat on his bed

"Hi papa"

"Hey baby why don't you put your tv on"

"I don't know how to?" He pouted

I chuckled and turned his tv on groaning since my wound hasn't healed

"You okay papa"

"Don't worry baby I'm fine"

I put pepa pig on which was his favourite show

"Ok goodnight baby get some sleep"

I turned off the lights shutting the door

I was making my way to my room when suddenly a rush of pain from my stomach to head head making me dizzy.

"Theo!" I whispered hoping he could feel this pain.

"Liam why you in pain"Theos eyes widen as he rushed over to me

"I-I-I c-c-can't s-see a-anything"I cried in his chest

"Oh my god ok come with me" he walked me to our room sitting me on the bed

"Scott! Come over now Liam is in pain and can't see we would go to Deaton but the kids"

"Ok thank you please hurry"

He hung up and sat next to me pulling me in his chest making me jump

"Why cant I see" I mumbled trying to forgot the pain

"I don't know but derek or Deaton hopefully know" he kissed my forehead

Suddenly the door burst open making the girls cry

"Ok Malia and Lydia you look after the girls, derek and Deaton with Liam" Scott told the pack

Malia and Lydia gently picked the newborns up

"Ok Liam I'm going to shine this light and tell me if you can see it" Deaton told me but I shook my head

"I-I-I can't t-the pain" I sobbed

"Scott we need to take him to my clinic"

I burst out in tears at the pain was unbearable.

"T-T I c-can't" I whispered

"Ok Theo pick him up take him to the clinic we will meet you there"Deaton sounded way to calm making me a bit nervous

I picked up Liam rushing out to the clinic.

"I-I-I love y-you T-Theo"

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