Part 31

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Liam's PoV

Knock knock

Corey knocked on the door with me in masons embrace still tears falling down my rosey red cheeks.

The wooden door opened revealing Theo.

"Theo help Liam."

"Theo" I got out of masons arms running over to Theo wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey baby what's wrong" he hugged me back

"I-I lost control in school" I sobbed on his shoulder.

"Hey hey baby it's okay come on let's go inside"

I nodded not realising morey left.

We headed to the living room after both of our phones going off

We headed to the living room after both of our phones going off

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'I was meant to hang with Liam but I walk in to this. SOO CUTEE!!' [@idungood

T.Raeken and 35,000,000 others liked the post, 7933 comments
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@lydia.M: 'awwh my heart'

@idungood:creepy XD


@T.Raeken:this picture just shows Liam as a bottom 😂

@idungood:@T.Raeken DONT EXPOSE ME!

@T.Raeken:love you too baby boy ;)

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"I need a shower" I complained

"Well I'll join you I need one too."
I smiled and dragged him into the shower.

"God it's so hard not to fuck you right here but luckily for you your pregnant" Theo whined making me chuckled.

I lifted my shirt off then my joggers.

The bit his lip staring at my body.

"You okay there" I chuckled

"Y-Yeah" he stuttered then go in the shower followed by me.

At night

I jumped on my bed following with a chuckled from my boyfriend.

"What?" I asked looking at him with a pouty face.

"Nothing" he grinned after crawling onto the bed pulling me in his embrace.

I snuggled into his chest and slowly closed my eyes

Theo's PoV

I opened my eyes and saw liam asleep with his mouth slightly apart.

"I love you Liam I don't know what I'd do without you,I would do anything for you I'd risk my life over and over again if that means you live. You've changed me for the better I was a monster a murderer I'm just happy you got me out of that, I'm so happy that I get to have this baby with you and spend the rest of my love with you .. god I love you so much!" Tears began rolling down my cheeks until I heard a little sob

"I love you too Theo and you were never a monster you were just a orphan without a family and was brainwashed by psychos, Theo your the best thing that has every happened to me and this child."

"I love you baby."

"And luckily I love you just as much"

He gave me a gentle kiss before laying on my chest.

After a while I could hear little snores, I closed my eyes and Slowly feel into dreamland 

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