Part 30

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Mason PoV

I was supposed to go hang out with Liam today so I came by his house.

"Liam you here?" I walked around his house eventually going to his room.

I open the door and saw Liam and Theo asleep cuddling each other

"Awwh" I whispered and took a quick pictures posting it on insta.

Hours later

Liam's POV

"THEO RAEKEN!" I screamed waking him up.

"What baby"

"WHERE IS MY BLUE SHIRT!" I yelled making him laugh.

"Malissa told me about hormones" he giggled

"Ugh" I growled and sat next to him

"Being pregnant sucks at one moment I want to murder someone then the second in a soft baby" 

"Your always a soft baby" he kissed my forehead

"By the way your blue shirt is in the middle draw."

I ran over and got out my shirt carefully getting dressed.


"Hey Liam"mason ran up to me with his boyfriend.

"Hi mase" we hugged before getting interrupted by Gabe

"Ha look here little wolfie"
"Go away Bitch" mason spat in his face making me giggle

"What huh" he went to slap me before Corey stopped him

"Don't you dare"
"Gabe go away" he chuckled and kicked my legs making me fall to the ground

"Uh" I growled feeling the hormones mixed with Werewolf anger kicking in

I stood up punching him in the face

"I really shouldn't be fighting you but you really pissed me off" I said chuckling

"Hey hey hey...that's enough boys" corey pulled me back

I was still growling so mason Dragged me outside.

"Liam what is wrong with you!"

"Werewolf hormones I want Theo!"

"Liam we can't it's school time"

"JUST TAKE ME TO THEO!" I screamed letting my eyes going yellow making my best friends step away from me

"I-I-I'm sorry" I looked down tears dripping down my face

"I-it's Okay Liam we'll take you to Theo."

I nodded getting in Corey's car then driving to my house.

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