Part 58

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Liam's PoV

"PETER" Theo yelled out

"Yes" Be came out from the corner

"PEWER" Asher jumped out of My arms and into Peters

"Hello little guy" he chuckled

"Can we play The werewolf game" Asher Giggled

Peter nodded

"Alright then bye Peter bye Asher" I smiled and gave Asher a light kiss on his Forehead

"By papa bye dada"

We chuckled and walked out of the loft.

We arrived at the place we tracked Kate and stiles came along to drive the jeep and stuff and mason tagged along

"Ok goal is to trap her so Theo,Liam,me,Malia and Issac and will trap her with these"Scott lifted The chains up

"Also as she's like obsessed with Derek so you will be the bait"

"These are for trapping wereJaguars and way to heavy for a human look" Scott gave stiles the chain who fell trying to lift them up

"See" Scott Chuckled

"Then after mason will blow this in her face" he Pointed at a big bag of mountain ash

Mason went over and tried to pick it up


Theo Smiled And Grabbed a bucket and scooped A Bit out then gave it to him.

"After she's Passed out Corey you will Be our way out so the berserkers don't see us okay"

Corey nodded and Turned invisible

"I'm ready" Corey Giggled

We all playfully rolled our eyes and mine and Theo's hands intertwined as we walked in.

"KATE!" Derek Yelled

"Ah you never learn do you" Kate smirked as she walked out with berserkers

"Alone how interesting"

"Who said I'm alone" Derek smirked as he saw Theo run behind her.

He jumped on her back digging his claws in her back(not enough to kill her)

She screamed and her eyes turned green

"Attack" she Ordered the berserkers

A berserker came up behind us and Began attacking us

We were fighting but suddenly

The berserker stabbed me in my back with one of it bones

I screamed and fell to the ground

I heard Theo scream from pain and saw blood pouring from his back as well as mine.

"Liam!"Theo ran up to me

I watched as Theo fell to the ground crawling over to me.


"I-I'm okay I-it w-will heal"

He nodded and pulled me around the corner

"Your back" I frowned

"When you got stabbed I shared the wound"

I nodded and closed my eyes feeling it healing

"It's done" Theo Smiled and stood up.

I stood up next to him and connected our lips.

"I love you okay we can do this" he smiled at me

"Let's go get kate while she's distracted" I requested

He nodded and bent over to my ear
"You go up behind her with the chains"

"But there really heavy" I fake whined

He gave me a sarcastic smile making me giggle.

"Let's go get her"

Me and Corey were behind Theo and Kate invisible

"So the backstabbing Chimera joined the McCall pack after trying to kill them"she Smirked seeing Theo looking angry

"At least I'm not a disgusting Jaguar" he Replied

I see Theo Give a thumbs up in the direction me and Corey were in.

We ran behind her and I threw the chain over her making her tumble to the ground.

Mason came running from the side and blew the Mountain Ashe in her face"

"You bitch" She passed out

I looked over towards the pack as Corey made up visible

Lydia came to us and faced the pack fighting the Bones animals.

She let out a high picked scream towards the berserkers making them run off

"Look the puppy pack did it" malia Smirked

I ran over to Theo and he pulled me In his embrace.

Stiles went to Derek,

Lydia went to Malia,

Mason went to Corey,

And Scott went to Issac

"We did it"I whispered With my face Snuggled in his neck

"I love you T"I giggled

"I love you too Li"

"Ok enough of this lovely dovley Stuff,but what are we going to do with the pass out Jaguar" stiles Laughed

"Take her to Eichan house" Scott told Derek and malia

The nodded and Began taking her away.

"Let's go get Asher" Theo top me

"What about all this blood on our shirt"I pointed at our shirts Laughing

"Asher need to learn young about the supernatural world someday"

I nodded and we began going to the loft.

"DADA PAPA" Asher giggles and ran to us hugging our legs.

"Hi baby" I kneeled down

He threw his hands around me and I picked him up.

"He still doesn't have control yet the Hale talisman doesn't work you need to find I'm an anchor" peter told us

We nodded

"Dada and papa can be my anchors" Asher giggles

"perfect baby" Theo Smiled at the pup

"Well we will see you later peter thank you"

He nodded and we left towards our house.

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