Part 83

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Theo's PoV

Me and Scott entered his house and I ran over to the couch sobbing

"Theo"Scott sighed pulling me in his embrace trying to calm me down.

"W-why I-is I-it a-always me" I hiccuped

"I-I w-was brainwashed into killing my o-own s-sister...tried to kill can you f-forgive me f-for e-very thing I've done"I cried

"Shhh Theo it's okay we forgave you because your someone who made a mistake.we have all lost you I lost my first love to the supernatural" he began gently rubbing my back

"I can't t-take this" I burst out crying in his chest

"Hey Scott I'm popping ou- Theo what's wrong?" Malissa walked down

"L-Liam h-he"

"He's dead"Scott let out a tear

"Oh my god" she walked toward the both of us

"I'm so sorry Theo"

I pulled away from Scott as my phone began ringing

"H-hello" I stuttered

"Hey Theo its Deaton I need you to come to the clinic now"

He hung up making me confused

"It's Deaton he wants me To go to the clinic"

"Go then" Malissa frowned

"Alright thank you Scott"

I stood up running out of the house and into the clinic

"Deaton!" I yelled

"Theo come here"

I walked near him Infront of Liam

I shut my eyes not wanting to see my deceased lover

"He's alive" he smiled

"What" my eyes widened

"He's evolving"

Oooooooooo a twist 😏😏

Sorry it took me like 50 years to upload
And sorry it short I rushed it and no editing

COVID-19 sucks! My year has been sent home so I'm working from home🙄🙄

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