Part 32

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Hello everyone so I'm trying a new way of writing this book but tell me if it bad.

Hello everyone so I'm trying a new way of writing this book but tell me if it bad

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Awwwh he's so baby like in this photo


No one PoV

Liam was the first one to wake up so he ran to the shower.

Liam turned to nob to cold and striped his clothes finally hopped in the shower.

After a while Liam wrapped a towel  around his waist.
"There you are."  Theo stumbles over to Liam before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend Small body.
"Scott called a pack party for some reason" Liam Unwrapped the town revealing his Tiny baby bump.

"You have a Baby bump now." Theo traced his fingers along it "yep I have deaton tomorrow wanna come." Theo grinned and nodded .

The couple got dressed in fancy clothes
And headed out the door.

They finally arrived and Scott answered the door

"Liam Theo Hey come on in" he opened the door wide to let and couple in.

Liam's PoV

Me and Theo walk into the house and there was Malia and Lydia in the kitchen,stiles and Derek making out on the couch and Aiden  playing on his phone.

"Alcohol is in the here Liam there's Coke in here for you" I heard Lydia yell out.

Theo looked at me with puppy eyes wanting to probably get drunk
"Yes Theo you can drink."  I rolled my eyes and he sprinted in to kitchen making all of us chuckle.

It's been about 2 hours since we came in and It Stank of Drunken teenagers.

"Liaaamm" Theo whined obviously drunk as hell.

"Yes Theo"
"Let me sit next to youuuu" he said almost falling on the floor
"God how much did you drink"
"Tooooo much" he led his head on my Lap.

"You know I never tell you how pretty you are." Theo stroked his fingers along my neck "Liam Dunbar my beautiful boyfriend how did I get so lucky" he pouted like a kid

"I think we should go home now T" I tried getting up only to be pulled right back down "Nooo we're having fUn." He whined

I sighed and saw a sober Corey in the corner

"Hey Corey can you help me get theo in the car" his face lit up and nodded

He grabbed Theo by one arm and met the other.
"LiAm!" He hiccuped
"I'm right be baby we are going home." We set him in the car.
"Thank you Corey Just tell Scott I took Theo home" Corey nodded and ran back in the house.

"LiaM how do you love me?" He suddenly asked completely changing the mood

"What do you mean baby"
"How do you love someone like me who doesn't deserve love and gets Waisted at a party with his Pregnant boyfriend."a tear escaped my eye as I held his hand "I love you theo no matter what" he smiled and I pecked his lips

"Now I need to know how the hell in getting you inside"I groaned and Lifted him out of the car.

"Finallyyy" I dropped him on the bed
"Liam you know in the vampire diaries Elana falls for both the brothers and end up with Damon" he rambled


"Well Elena was lonely and Selfish but found out what she really wants A big Bad Vampire willing to die for her, Damon's bad for her but she changed him for the better and they went through so much but finally found themselves drawn together,then you have Caroline and bonnie the best friends but then you have Alaric who died then came back just to leave again but then cameback .''he carried on playing with his fingers

"Baby who's Alaric in this?"
"My sister obviously" he chuckled

"And who's Bonnie and Caroline?"

"Mason and Corey dUh"

"Anyway Damon did Very very bad things and He takes awhile to get noticed and forgiven and gets drunk to get rid of the feeling of Fear Of losing Elena."

"And guess what" I raised my eyebrow

"Your Elena" He giggles and rested his head on the pillow.
"Baby who are you in that"

"It doesn't matter"  he snapped

"Alright then I'll be back I'm just getting a shower"

I stood up about to leave but stopped when Theo grabbed my arm

"Elena wouldn't leave Damon alone" he Pouted

"Is that who you are...Damon"

"So what if it is" I chuckled and led next to him "just Go to sleep baby"

He nodded like a child and snuggled in my arms.

Okay I didn't make that idea of drunk Theo Talking about all that I can't remember their @ but when I find it I'll tag them

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